Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
It will also delete any resources/files that have been uploaded for this survey. | Također će izbrisati sve resurse/datoteke koje su učitane za ovaj upitnik. | Details | |
It will also delete any resources/files that have been uploaded for this survey. Također će izbrisati sve resurse/datoteke koje su učitane za ovaj upitnik.
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This process will delete this survey, and all related groups, questions answers and conditions. | Sljedeći proces će obrisati ovaj upitnik, kao i sve skupine, pitanja, odgovore i pravila. | Details | |
This process will delete this survey, and all related groups, questions answers and conditions. Sljedeći proces će obrisati ovaj upitnik, kao i sve skupine, pitanja, odgovore i pravila.
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You are about to delete this survey | Upravo ćete izbrisati ovaj upitnik | Details | |
You are about to delete this survey Upravo ćete izbrisati ovaj upitnik
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Delete survey | Izbriši upitnik | Details | |
The participant table associated with this survey has been renamed to: %s | Tablica sudionika povezana s ovom anketom preimenovana je u: %s | Details | |
The participant table associated with this survey has been renamed to: %s Tablica sudionika povezana s ovom anketom preimenovana je u: %s
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The responses table has been renamed to: %s | Tablica odgovora preimenovana je u: %s | Details | |
The responses table has been renamed to: %s Tablica odgovora preimenovana je u: %s
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Deactivate survey | Deaktiviraj upitnik | Details | |
Expire survey | Učini isteklim | Details | |
All %sparticipant information will be lost%s. | Svi podaci o ispitanicima će biti izgubljeni. | Details | |
All %sparticipant information will be lost%s. Svi podaci o ispitanicima će biti izgubljeni.
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Deactivation | Deaktivacija | Details | |
Expiration | Istek | Details | |
Stop this survey | Zaustavi ovaj upitnik | Details | |
Go to survey | Idi na upitnik | Details | |
Copy of survey is completed. | Kopiranje upitnika je završeno. | Details | |
Copy of survey is completed. Kopiranje upitnika je završeno.
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quota language settings | jezične postavke kvote | Details | |
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