Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Select the LDAP query you want to run: | Izaberite LDAP upit koji želite pokrenuti: | Details | |
Select the LDAP query you want to run: Izaberite LDAP upit koji želite pokrenuti:
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LDAP is disabled or no LDAP query defined. | LDAP je deaktiviran ili LDAP upit nije definiran. | Details | |
LDAP is disabled or no LDAP query defined. LDAP je deaktiviran ili LDAP upit nije definiran.
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Sorry, but the LDAP module is missing in your PHP configuration. | Nažalost, LDAP modul nedostaje u vašoj PHP konfiguraciji. | Details | |
Sorry, but the LDAP module is missing in your PHP configuration. Nažalost, LDAP modul nedostaje u vašoj PHP konfiguraciji.
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No reminder(s) sent | Podsjetnici nisu poslani | Details | |
Reminder(s) sent | Podsjetnici poslani | Details | |
Reminder status: | Status podsjetnika: | Details | |
Not invited | Nije pozvan | Details | |
Invited | Pozvan | Details | |
All | Sve | Details | |
Invitation status: | Status pozivnice: | Details | |
Started but not yet completed | Započeto ali nije dovršeno | Details | |
Started but not yet completed Započeto ali nije dovršeno
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Not started | Nije započeto | Details | |
There are {EMAILCOUNT} emails still to be sent. | Postoji {EMAILCOUNT} e-mail poruka koje nisu poslane. | Details | |
There are {EMAILCOUNT} emails still to be sent. Postoji {EMAILCOUNT} e-mail poruka koje nisu poslane.
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There are more emails pending than can be sent in one batch. Continue sending emails by clicking below. | Postoji više e-poruka nego ih je moguće poslati odjednom. Kako bi nastavili sa slanjem kliknite ispod. | Details | |
There are more emails pending than can be sent in one batch. Continue sending emails by clicking below. Postoji više e-poruka nego ih je moguće poslati odjednom. Kako bi nastavili sa slanjem kliknite ispod.
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Sending invitations... | Slanje pozivnica... | Details | |
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