Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
If necessary the database will be updated. | Ukoliko je potrebno, baza podataka će biti nadograđena. | Details | |
If necessary the database will be updated. Ukoliko je potrebno, baza podataka će biti nadograđena.
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New files will be downloaded and installed. | Nove datoteke će biti preuzete i instalirane. | Details | |
New files will be downloaded and installed. Nove datoteke će biti preuzete i instalirane.
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Your LimeSurvey installation is checked if the update can be run successfully. | Vaša instalacija je provjerena i nadogradnja može biti uspješno izvršena. | Details | |
Your LimeSurvey installation is checked if the update can be run successfully. Vaša instalacija je provjerena i nadogradnja može biti uspješno izvršena.
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The following steps will be done by this update: | Sljedeći koraci će biti izvršeni kroz ovu nadogradnju: | Details | |
The following steps will be done by this update: Sljedeći koraci će biti izvršeni kroz ovu nadogradnju:
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The LimeSurvey ComfortUpdate is an easy procedure to quickly update to the latest version of LimeSurvey. | ComfortUpdate je jednostavan proces brze nadogradnje na zadnju verziju LimeSuvrey softvera. | Details | |
The LimeSurvey ComfortUpdate is an easy procedure to quickly update to the latest version of LimeSurvey. ComfortUpdate je jednostavan proces brze nadogradnje na zadnju verziju LimeSuvrey softvera.
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Buildnumber was successfully updated to %s. | Broj verzije je uspješno nadograđen na %s. | Details | |
Buildnumber was successfully updated to %s. Broj verzije je uspješno nadograđen na %s.
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There was a problem downloading the update file. Please try to restart the update process. | Došlo je do problema prilikom preuzimanja datoteke. Potrebno je ponovo pokrenuti proces nadogradnje. | Details | |
There was a problem downloading the update file. Please try to restart the update process. Došlo je do problema prilikom preuzimanja datoteke. Potrebno je ponovo pokrenuti proces nadogradnje.
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New files were successfully installed. | Nove datoteke su uspješno instalirane. | Details | |
New files were successfully installed. Nove datoteke su uspješno instalirane.
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Please check any problems above and then proceed to the final step. | Provjerite navedene probleme i onda nastavite na završni korak nadogradnje. | Details | |
Please check any problems above and then proceed to the final step. Provjerite navedene probleme i onda nastavite na završni korak nadogradnje.
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Creating file backup | Stvaranje sigurnosne kopije datoteka | Details | |
Creating file backup Stvaranje sigurnosne kopije datoteka
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The following files will be modified or deleted but were already modified by someone else. | Sljedeće datoteke biti će izmijenjene ili obrisane, no premda ih je netko već izmijenio. | Details | |
The following files will be modified or deleted but were already modified by someone else. Sljedeće datoteke biti će izmijenjene ili obrisane, no premda ih je netko već izmijenio.
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Checking existing LimeSurvey files... | Provjeravam postojeće LS datoteke... | Details | |
Checking existing LimeSurvey files... Provjeravam postojeće LS datoteke...
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Update server busy | Poslužitelj nadogradnje je zauzet | Details | |
Your update key is invalid and was removed. | Ključ za ažuriranje nije važeći i uklonjen je. | Details | |
Your update key is invalid and was removed. Ključ za ažuriranje nije važeći i uklonjen je.
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On requesting the update information from there has been an error: | Dogodila se slijedeća greška prilikom nadogradnje sa sjedišta: | Details | |
On requesting the update information from there has been an error: Dogodila se slijedeća greška prilikom nadogradnje sa sjedišta:
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