Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
An non-recoverable error happened during the update. Error details: | Tijekom ažuriranja dogodila se nepopravljiva pogreška. Detalji o grešci: | Details | |
An non-recoverable error happened during the update. Error details: Tijekom ažuriranja dogodila se nepopravljiva pogreška. Detalji o grešci:
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Please fix this error in your database and try again | Ispravite ovu pogrešku u bazi podataka i pokušajte ponovno | Details | |
Please fix this error in your database and try again Ispravite ovu pogrešku u bazi podataka i pokušajte ponovno
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Start language: | Početni jezik: | Details | |
Close editor | Zatvori uređivač | Details | |
HTML editor | HTML uređivač | Details | |
Response | Odgovor | Details | |
PHP PDO driver library | PHP PDO driver library | Details | |
PHP/PECL JSON library | PHP/PECL JSON knjižnica | Details | |
PHP mbstring library | PHP mbstring library | Details | |
Statistics survey %s | Statistika upitnika %s | Details | |
RemoteControl is available using %s for transport and exposes the following functionality: | RemoteControl je dostupan korištenjem %s za transport i izlaže sljedeće funkcionalnosti: | Details | |
RemoteControl is available using %s for transport and exposes the following functionality: RemoteControl je dostupan korištenjem %s za transport i izlaže sljedeće funkcionalnosti:
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page | stranica | Details | |
Survey %s | Upitnik %s | Details | |
Edit attribute | Uređivanje atributa | Details | |
Please contact your LimeSurvey administrator for your password. | Obratite se svom LimeSurvey administratoru u vezi vaše zaporke. | Details | |
Please contact your LimeSurvey administrator for your password. Obratite se svom LimeSurvey administratoru u vezi vaše zaporke.
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