Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Random order | Slučajan poredak | Details | |
Present subquestions/answer options in random order | Prikažite potpitanja/opcije odgovora u slučajnom redoslijedu | Details | |
Present subquestions/answer options in random order Prikažite potpitanja/opcije odgovora u slučajnom redoslijedu
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Warning! Admin bounce email was not saved because it was not valid. | Upozorenje! E-pošta administratora za odbijene poruke nije spremljena jer nije važeća. | Details | |
Warning! Admin bounce email was not saved because it was not valid. Upozorenje! E-pošta administratora za odbijene poruke nije spremljena jer nije važeća.
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Inserting the label set failed. | Umetanje skupa naljepnica nije uspjelo. | Details | |
Inserting the label set failed. Umetanje skupa naljepnica nije uspjelo.
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Sorry, but this question has no responses yet so a graph cannot be shown. | Nažalost, ovo pitanje još nema odgovora pa se graf ne može prikazati. | Details | |
Sorry, but this question has no responses yet so a graph cannot be shown. Nažalost, ovo pitanje još nema odgovora pa se graf ne može prikazati.
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The database you specified does already exist. | Baza podataka koju ste naveli već postoji. | Details | |
The database you specified does already exist. Baza podataka koju ste naveli već postoji.
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Double-click or drag-and-drop items in the left list to move them to the right - your highest ranking item should be on the top right, moving through to your lowest ranking item. | Duplim klikom miša ili drag-and-drop metodom stavke s lijeve strane premjestite na desnu - Vaš prvi izbor bi trebao biti na vrhu, a zadnji izbor na dnu. | Details | |
Double-click or drag-and-drop items in the left list to move them to the right - your highest ranking item should be on the top right, moving through to your lowest ranking item. Duplim klikom miša ili drag-and-drop metodom stavke s lijeve strane premjestite na desnu - Vaš prvi izbor bi trebao biti na vrhu, a zadnji izbor na dnu.
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Convert a date/time string to unix timestamp | Pretvorite znakovni niz datuma/vremena u unix timestamp | Details | |
Convert a date/time string to unix timestamp Pretvorite znakovni niz datuma/vremena u unix timestamp
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Error: Response table does not exist. Survey cannot be deactivated. | Pogreška: tablica odgovora ne postoji. Upitnik se ne može deaktivirati. | Details | |
Error: Response table does not exist. Survey cannot be deactivated. Pogreška: tablica odgovora ne postoji. Upitnik se ne može deaktivirati.
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Download | Preuzimanje | Details | |
Use ComfortUpdate | Koristite ComfortUpdate | Details | |
The following LimeSurvey updates are available: | Dostupna su sljedeća LimeSurvey ažuriranja: | Details | |
The following LimeSurvey updates are available: Dostupna su sljedeća LimeSurvey ažuriranja:
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Label set name | Naziv skupa oznaka | Details | |
Replace label set? | Zamijeniti skup oznaka? | Details | |
Occitan | Okcitanski | Details | |
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