Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
This is a sample question text. The user was asked to enter a date. | Hau adibide moduan emandako galdera baten testua da. Erabiltzaileari data bat sartzeko eskatu zaio. | Details | |
This is a sample question text. The user was asked to enter a date. Hau adibide moduan emandako galdera baten testua da. Erabiltzaileari data bat sartzeko eskatu zaio.
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Third choice | Hirugarren aukera | Details | |
Second choice | Bigarren aukera | Details | |
This is some help text for this question. | Hau da galdera honen laguntza-testua. | Details | |
This is some help text for this question. Hau da galdera honen laguntza-testua.
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This is a sample question text. The user was asked to pick an entry. | Hau adibide moduan emandako galdera baten testua da. Erabiltzaileak sarrera bat aukeratu behar du. | Details | |
This is a sample question text. The user was asked to pick an entry. Hau adibide moduan emandako galdera baten testua da. Erabiltzaileak sarrera bat aukeratu behar du.
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Session writable | Saio editagarria | Details | |
Participant | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
As a last step you should clear your browser cache now. | Azken urrats gisa, zure nabigatzailearen cache-a garbitu behar duzu. | Details | |
As a last step you should clear your browser cache now. Azken urrats gisa, zure nabigatzailearen cache-a garbitu behar duzu.
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The update is now complete! | Amaitu da eguneraketa! | Details | |
To be able to upload images or other content you have to save your survey once first. | Irudiak edo bestelako edukiak igotzea gaitzeko, lehenengo eta behin inkesta gorde behar duzu. | Details | |
To be able to upload images or other content you have to save your survey once first. Irudiak edo bestelako edukiak igotzea gaitzeko, lehenengo eta behin inkesta gorde behar duzu.
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Spanish (Chile) | Gaztelania (Txile) | Details | |
An non-recoverable error happened during the update. Error details: | Eguneratzean, errore bat gertatu da eta ezin da berreskuratu. Errore-xehetasunak: | Details | |
An non-recoverable error happened during the update. Error details: Eguneratzean, errore bat gertatu da eta ezin da berreskuratu. Errore-xehetasunak:
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Please fix this error in your database and try again | Mesedez, konpondu arazo hori zure datu-basean eta saiatu berriro | Details | |
Please fix this error in your database and try again Mesedez, konpondu arazo hori zure datu-basean eta saiatu berriro
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Start language: | Hasiera-hizkuntza: | Details | |
Close editor | Itxi editorea | Details | |
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