Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
R (syntax file) | R (sintaxi-fitxategia) | Details | |
digit: source("filename", encoding = "UTF-8") on the R command window, replace filename with the actual filename | digitua: source("filename", encodign = "UTF-8") Rren komando-leihoan; ordeztu fitxategi-izena (filename) oraingo fitxategi-izenarekin (filename). | Details | |
digit: source("filename", encoding = "UTF-8") on the R command window, replace filename with the actual filename digitua: source("filename", encodign = "UTF-8") Rren komando-leihoan; ordeztu fitxategi-izena (filename) oraingo fitxategi-izenarekin (filename).
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HTML | HTML | Details | |
Microsoft Word | Microsoft Word | Details | |
Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Excel | Details | |
CSV | CSV | Details | |
Could not connect to LDAP server. | Ezin da LDAP zerbitzariarekin konektatu. | Details | |
Could not connect to LDAP server. Ezin da LDAP zerbitzariarekin konektatu.
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Core plugin can not be disabled. | Plugin nagusia ezin da desaktibatu. | Details | |
Core plugin can not be disabled. Plugin nagusia ezin da desaktibatu.
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A full question index will be shown; participants will be able to jump between relevant questions. | Galdera-aurkibide oso bat erakutsiko da; parte-hartzaileek jauzi egin ahalko dute galdera batetik bestera. | Details | |
A full question index will be shown; participants will be able to jump between relevant questions. Galdera-aurkibide oso bat erakutsiko da; parte-hartzaileek jauzi egin ahalko dute galdera batetik bestera.
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Click here to start the survey. | Sakatu hemen inkesta egiten hasteko. | Details | |
Click here to start the survey. Sakatu hemen inkesta egiten hasteko.
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Note: You can only give limited permissions to other users because your own permissions are limited, too. | Oharra: bakarrik baimen mugatuak eman ahal dizkiezu beste erabiltzaileei, zure baimenak ere mugatuak direlako. | Details | |
Note: You can only give limited permissions to other users because your own permissions are limited, too. Oharra: bakarrik baimen mugatuak eman ahal dizkiezu beste erabiltzaileei, zure baimenak ere mugatuak direlako.
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The selected attribute was invalid. | Aukeratutako atributua ez da balioduna. | Details | |
The selected attribute was invalid. Aukeratutako atributua ez da balioduna.
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Attribute %s was deleted. | Ezabatu da %s atributua. | Details | |
Attribute %s (%s) | %s atributua (%s) | Details | |
File size | Fitxategi-neurria | Details | |
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