Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Delete this participant | Eliminar el participant | Details | |
Edit this participant | Editar el participant | Details | |
%s participant share was deleted|%s participant shares were deleted | %s compartició de participant eliminada|%s comparticions de participants eliminades | Details | |
%s participant share was deleted|%s participant shares were deleted %s compartició de participant eliminada|%s comparticions de participants eliminades
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No participant shares were deleted | S'han eliminat els no participants compartits | Details | |
No participant shares were deleted S'han eliminat els no participants compartits
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Participant share deleted | Compartició del participant eliminada | Details | |
Participant share deleted Compartició del participant eliminada
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Found no participant share | S'ha trobat cap no participant compartit | Details | |
Found no participant share S'ha trobat cap no participant compartit
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Participant removed from sharing | Participant eliminat dels compartits | Details | |
Participant removed from sharing Participant eliminat dels compartits
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Participant shared. | Participant compartit. | Details | |
Error. Deleted %s attribute(s). Error message: %s | Error. S'han eliminat %s atribut/s. Missatge d'error: %s | Details | |
Error. Deleted %s attribute(s). Error message: %s Error. S'han eliminat %s atribut/s. Missatge d'error: %s
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%s attribute deleted|%s attributes deleted | %s atribut elimiat|%s atributs eliminats | Details | |
%s attribute deleted|%s attributes deleted %s atribut elimiat|%s atributs eliminats
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Attribute successfully deleted | Atribut eliminat correctament | Details | |
Attribute successfully deleted Atribut eliminat correctament
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There has to be at least one language. | Hi ha d'haver almenys un idioma. | Details | |
There has to be at least one language. Hi ha d'haver almenys un idioma.
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Language successfully deleted | Idioma eliminat correctament | Details | |
Language successfully deleted Idioma eliminat correctament
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Attribute successfully updated | Atribut actualitzat correctament | Details | |
Attribute successfully updated Atribut actualitzat correctament
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Select language to add | Seleccionar l'idioma per afegir | Details | |
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