Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
In closed-access mode, only those who are invited (and have an access code) can access the survey. You can activate the closed access mode now or later. | V načinu z zaprtim dostopom lahko do ankete dostopajo samo tisti, ki so povabljeni (in imajo kodo za dostop). Način z zaprtim dostopom lahko vklopite zdaj ali pozneje. | Details | |
In closed-access mode, only those who are invited (and have an access code) can access the survey. You can activate the closed access mode now or later. V načinu z zaprtim dostopom lahko do ankete dostopajo samo tisti, ki so povabljeni (in imajo kodo za dostop). Način z zaprtim dostopom lahko vklopite zdaj ali pozneje.
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By default, surveys are activated in open-access mode. In this mode participants do not need an invitation (access code) to complete the survey. | Privzeto se ankete aktivirajo v načinu z odprtim dostopom. V tem načinu udeleženci ne potrebujejo povabila (kode za dostop) za dokončanje ankete. | Details | |
By default, surveys are activated in open-access mode. In this mode participants do not need an invitation (access code) to complete the survey. Privzeto se ankete aktivirajo v načinu z odprtim dostopom. V tem načinu udeleženci ne potrebujejo povabila (kode za dostop) za dokončanje ankete.
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Edit permission role '%s' | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Upload and install theme file | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
You can share your survey via URL, QR code or social media. Navigate to Settings --> Overview --> Share survey. | Anketo lahko delite prek URL-ja, kode QR ali družbenih omrežij. Pojdite na »Nastavitve« --> »Pregled« --> »Deli anketo«. | Details | |
You can share your survey via URL, QR code or social media. Navigate to Settings --> Overview --> Share survey. Anketo lahko delite prek URL-ja, kode QR ali družbenih omrežij. Pojdite na »Nastavitve« --> »Pregled« --> »Deli anketo«.
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You can share your survey via URL, QR code or social media. Navigate to Settings --> Overview --> Share survey. | Anketo lahko delite prek URL-ja, QR kode ali družbenih omrežij. Pojdite na Nastavitve --> Pregled --> Deli anketo. | Details | |
You can share your survey via URL, QR code or social media. Navigate to Settings --> Overview --> Share survey. Anketo lahko delite prek URL-ja, QR kode ali družbenih omrežij. Pojdite na Nastavitve --> Pregled --> Deli anketo.
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Your survey has been activated and the responses and statistics section is now available. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Your survey has been activated and the responses and statistics section is now available.
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It is not possible to add groups to an active survey. | Skupin ni mogoče dodati v aktivno anketo. | Details | |
It is not possible to add groups to an active survey. Skupin ni mogoče dodati v aktivno anketo.
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It is not possible to add questions to an active survey. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
It is not possible to add questions to an active survey.
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Resend | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Continue in open-access mode | Nadaljuj v načinu z odprtim dostopom | Details | |
Continue in open-access mode Nadaljuj v načinu z odprtim dostopom
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If you switch to closed-access mode then this survey will only be accessible to users who provide an access code either manually or by URL. | Če preklopite v način z zaprtim dostopom, bo ta anketa dostopna samo uporabnikom, ki navedejo kodo za dostop ročno ali po URL-ju. | Details | |
If you switch to closed-access mode then this survey will only be accessible to users who provide an access code either manually or by URL. Če preklopite v način z zaprtim dostopom, bo ta anketa dostopna samo uporabnikom, ki navedejo kodo za dostop ročno ali po URL-ju.
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You can switch back to closed-access mode at any time. Navigate to Settings --> Survey participants and click on the 'Switch to closed-access mode' button. | Kadarkoli lahko preklopite nazaj v način z zaprtim dostopom. Pojdite na »Nastavitve« --> »Udeleženci ankete« in kliknite gumb »Preklopi na način z zaprtim dostopom«. | Details | |
You can switch back to closed-access mode at any time. Navigate to Settings --> Survey participants and click on the 'Switch to closed-access mode' button. Kadarkoli lahko preklopite nazaj v način z zaprtim dostopom. Pojdite na »Nastavitve« --> »Udeleženci ankete« in kliknite gumb »Preklopi na način z zaprtim dostopom«.
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You can switch back to closed-access mode at any time. Navigate to Settings --> Survey participants and click on the 'Switch to closed-access mode' button. | Kadarkoli lahko preklopite nazaj v način z zaprtim dostopom. Pojdite na Nastavitve --> Udeleženci ankete in kliknite gumb 'Preklopi na način z zaprtim dostopom'. | Details | |
You can switch back to closed-access mode at any time. Navigate to Settings --> Survey participants and click on the 'Switch to closed-access mode' button. Kadarkoli lahko preklopite nazaj v način z zaprtim dostopom. Pojdite na Nastavitve --> Udeleženci ankete in kliknite gumb 'Preklopi na način z zaprtim dostopom'.
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Access codes will no longer be required to access this survey. | Kode za dostop ne bodo več potrebne za dostop do te ankete. | Details | |
Access codes will no longer be required to access this survey. Kode za dostop ne bodo več potrebne za dostop do te ankete.
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