Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Please number each box in order of preference from 1 to | Prosimo, oštevilčite vsako polje glede na vaše preference od 1 do | Details | |
Please number each box in order of preference from 1 to Prosimo, oštevilčite vsako polje glede na vaše preference od 1 do
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Make a comment on your choice here: | Vnesite komentar: | Details | |
Please enter a date: | Prosimo, vpišite datum: | Details | |
Please choose *only one* of the following: | Prosimo, izberite *samo eno* izmed možnosti: | Details | |
Please choose *only one* of the following: Prosimo, izberite *samo eno* izmed možnosti:
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* | * | Details | |
Question code: | Koda vprašanja: | Details | |
ID: | ID: | Details | |
Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: | Na to vprašanje odgovorite samo, če je zadoščeno naslednjim pogojem: | Details | |
Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Na to vprašanje odgovorite samo, če je zadoščeno naslednjim pogojem:
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Please submit by %s | Prosimo, pošljite do %s | Details | |
Thank you for completing this survey. | Najlepša hvala za sodelovanje v anketi. | Details | |
Thank you for completing this survey. Najlepša hvala za sodelovanje v anketi.
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table | tabela | Details | |
Database | Podatkovna zbirka | Details | |
%s participants have been shared | %s anketirancev je bilo danih v skupno rabo | Details | |
%s participants have been shared %s anketirancev je bilo danih v skupno rabo
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Text box | Vnosno polje | Details | |
Date | Datum | Details | |
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