Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
SPSS version: | SPSS različica: | Details | |
Export response data to SPSS | Izvozi odzivne podatke v SPSS | Details | |
Export response data to SPSS Izvozi odzivne podatke v SPSS
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Your data should be imported now, the data.frame is named "data", the variable.labels are attributes of data ("attributes(data)$variable.labels"), like for foreign:read.spss. | Vaši podatki bi morali biti sedaj uvoženi, data.frame se imenuje "data" in v variable.labels so atributi podatkov ("attributes(data)$variable.labels"), kot za foreign:read.spss. | Details | |
Your data should be imported now, the data.frame is named "data", the variable.labels are attributes of data ("attributes(data)$variable.labels"), like for foreign:read.spss. Vaši podatki bi morali biti sedaj uvoženi, data.frame se imenuje "data" in v variable.labels so atributi podatkov ("attributes(data)$variable.labels"), kot za foreign:read.spss.
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Save both of them on the R working directory (use getwd() and setwd() on the R command window to get and set it) | Shranite oboje v delovno mapo R-ja (uporabite getwd() in setwd() v R ukaznem oknu za preverjanje in nastavljanje) | Details | |
Save both of them on the R working directory (use getwd() and setwd() on the R command window to get and set it) Shranite oboje v delovno mapo R-ja (uporabite getwd() in setwd() v R ukaznem oknu za preverjanje in nastavljanje)
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Download the data and the syntax file. | Prenesi podatkovno in sintaktično datoteko. | Details | |
Download the data and the syntax file. Prenesi podatkovno in sintaktično datoteko.
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Instructions for the impatient | Navodila za nestrpne | Details | |
Step 2: | 2. korak: | Details | |
Step 1: | 1. korak: | Details | |
Data selection: | Izbor odgovorov: | Details | |
Export data | Izvoz podatkov | Details | |
Your survey can export associated participant data with each response. Select any additional fields you would like to export. | Vaša anketa lahko izvaža podatke o udeležencih, povezanih z vsakim odgovorom. Izberite vsa dodatna polja, ki jih želite izvoziti. | Details | |
Your survey can export associated participant data with each response. Select any additional fields you would like to export. Vaša anketa lahko izvaža podatke o udeležencih, povezanih z vsakim odgovorom. Izberite vsa dodatna polja, ki jih želite izvoziti.
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Details | |||
(Iconv Library not installed) | (knjižnjica Iconv ni nameščena) | Details | |
(Iconv Library not installed) (knjižnjica Iconv ni nameščena)
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Format | Oblika | Details | |
Convert N to: | Pretvori N v: | Details | |
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