Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Total participants in central table | Skupaj anketirancev v osrednji tabeli | Details | |
Total participants in central table Skupaj anketirancev v osrednji tabeli
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Central participants database summary | Povzetek osrednje podatkovne zbirke anketirancev | Details | |
Central participants database summary Povzetek osrednje podatkovne zbirke anketirancev
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Share panel | Plošča za skupno rabo | Details | |
File should be a standard CSV (comma delimited) file with optional double quotes around values (default for most spreadsheet tools). The first line must contain the field names. The fields can be in any order. | Datoteka mora biti standardne CSV oblike (datoteka deljena z vejicami) z opcijskimi dvojnimi narekovaji okrog vrednosti (privzeto za OpenOffice in Excel). Prva vrstica mora vsebovati imena polij. Vrstni red polij ni pomemben. | Details | |
File should be a standard CSV (comma delimited) file with optional double quotes around values (default for most spreadsheet tools). The first line must contain the field names. The fields can be in any order. Datoteka mora biti standardne CSV oblike (datoteka deljena z vejicami) z opcijskimi dvojnimi narekovaji okrog vrednosti (privzeto za OpenOffice in Excel). Prva vrstica mora vsebovati imena polij. Vrstni red polij ni pomemben.
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CSV input format | CSV input format | Details | |
Filter blank email addresses: | Filtiraj prazne e-mail naslove | Details | |
Filter blank email addresses: Filtiraj prazne e-mail naslove
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(Autodetect) | (Zaznaj sam) | Details | |
Semicolon | Podpičje | Details | |
Comma | Vejca | Details | |
Character set of file: | Nabor znakov datoteke: | Details | |
Choose the file to upload: | Izberite datoteko za nalaganje: | Details | |
Choose the file to upload: Izberite datoteko za nalaganje:
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Import CSV | Uvozi CSV | Details | |
Attributes to export: | Atributi za izvoz: | Details | |
User with whom the participants are to be shared: | Uporabnik, s katerimi bodo anketiranci v skupni rabi | Details | |
User with whom the participants are to be shared: Uporabnik, s katerimi bodo anketiranci v skupni rabi
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User with whom the participants are to be shared: | Uporabnik, s katerimi bodo anketiranci v skupni rabi: | Details | |
User with whom the participants are to be shared: Uporabnik, s katerimi bodo anketiranci v skupni rabi:
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