Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
You do not have permission for this quota. | Nimate dovoljenja za to kvoto. | Details | |
You do not have permission for this quota. Nimate dovoljenja za to kvoto.
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This is not a valid LimeSurvey LSA file. | To ni veljavna LimeSurvey LSA datoteka. | Details | |
This is not a valid LimeSurvey LSA file. To ni veljavna LimeSurvey LSA datoteka.
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Breadcrumb | Drobtina | Details | |
This survey is anonymized and/or token persistence is disabled. | Ta anketa je anonimizirana in/ali obstojnost žetonov je onemogočena. | Details | |
This survey is anonymized and/or token persistence is disabled. Ta anketa je anonimizirana in/ali obstojnost žetonov je onemogočena.
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There are errors with this template's attachments. Please check them below. | V prilogah te predloge so napake. Preverite jih spodaj. | Details | |
There are errors with this template's attachments. Please check them below. V prilogah te predloge so napake. Preverite jih spodaj.
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Email templates have attachments but the resources have not been copied. Please update the attachments manually. | E-poštne predloge imajo priloge, vendar viri niso bili kopirani. Posodobite priloge ročno. | Details | |
Email templates have attachments but the resources have not been copied. Please update the attachments manually. E-poštne predloge imajo priloge, vendar viri niso bili kopirani. Posodobite priloge ročno.
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Key expired or invalid? | Ključ je potekel ali ni veljaven? | Details | |
Key expired or invalid? Ključ je potekel ali ni veljaven?
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Delete key | Izbriši ključ | Details | |
An error happened while updating survey group permissions. | Med posodabljanjem dovoljenj anketne skupine je prišlo do napake. | Details | |
An error happened while updating survey group permissions. Med posodabljanjem dovoljenj anketne skupine je prišlo do napake.
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Activate your survey to open this panel | Aktivirajte svojo anketo, da odprete to ploščo | Details | |
Activate your survey to open this panel Aktivirajte svojo anketo, da odprete to ploščo
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Deactivate your survey to enable this setting | Deaktivirajte svojo anketo, če želite omogočiti to nastavitev | Details | |
Deactivate your survey to enable this setting Deaktivirajte svojo anketo, če želite omogočiti to nastavitev
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Not supported for anonymous surveys. | Ni podprto za anonimne ankete. | Details | |
Not supported for anonymous surveys. Ni podprto za anonimne ankete.
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Khmer | Kmer | Details | |
The email attachments have not been imported because they were in an old format. | E-poštne priloge niso bile uvožene, ker so bile v stari obliki. | Details | |
The email attachments have not been imported because they were in an old format. E-poštne priloge niso bile uvožene, ker so bile v stari obliki.
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Participants will be able to enter as many responses as they want, despite what Uses Left token attribute is set to. | Udeleženci bodo lahko vnesli poljubno število odzivov, ne glede na to, na kaj je nastavljen atribut Preostalih uporab. | Details | |
Participants will be able to enter as many responses as they want, despite what Uses Left token attribute is set to. Udeleženci bodo lahko vnesli poljubno število odzivov, ne glede na to, na kaj je nastavljen atribut Preostalih uporab.
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