Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Redirect URI: | URI preusmeritve: | Details | |
Google Cloud Platform Console | Google Cloud Platform Console | Details | |
Google Cloud Platform Console Google Cloud Platform Console
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Setup the OAuth 2.0 Web Application in %s. | Nastavite spletno aplikacijo OAuth 2.0 v %s. | Details | |
Setup the OAuth 2.0 Web Application in %s. Nastavite spletno aplikacijo OAuth 2.0 v %s.
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The %s plugin is not configured correctly. Please check the plugin settings. | Vtičnik %s ni pravilno konfiguriran. Preverite nastavitve vtičnika. | Details | |
The %s plugin is not configured correctly. Please check the plugin settings. Vtičnik %s ni pravilno konfiguriran. Preverite nastavitve vtičnika.
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Instructions: | Navodila: | Details | |
Currently not served over HTTPS | Trenutno ni servirano prek HTTPS | Details | |
Currently not served over HTTPS Trenutno ni servirano prek HTTPS
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Access LimeSurvey over HTTPS. | Dostopajte do LimeSurvey prek HTTPS. | Details | |
Access LimeSurvey over HTTPS. Dostopajte do LimeSurvey prek HTTPS.
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Prerequisites: | Predpogoji: | Details | |
The OAuth 2.0 token was successfully retrieved. | OAuth 2.0 žeton je bil uspešno pridobljen. | Details | |
The OAuth 2.0 token was successfully retrieved. OAuth 2.0 žeton je bil uspešno pridobljen.
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Get OAuth 2.0 token for SMTP authentication | Pridobite OAuth 2.0 žeton za SMTP avtentikacijo | Details | |
Get OAuth 2.0 token for SMTP authentication Pridobite OAuth 2.0 žeton za SMTP avtentikacijo
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Invalid plugin | Neveljaven vtičnik | Details | |
Azure doesn't accept redirect URIs with query parameters when using personal accounts. This plugin will not work properly with the current URL manager configuration. | Azure ne sprejema URI-jev za preusmeritev s poizvedbenimi parametri pri uporabi osebnih računov. Ta vtičnik ne bo deloval pravilno s trenutno nastavitvijo upravitelja URL-jev. | Details | |
Azure doesn't accept redirect URIs with query parameters when using personal accounts. This plugin will not work properly with the current URL manager configuration. Azure ne sprejema URI-jev za preusmeritev s poizvedbenimi parametri pri uporabi osebnih računov. Ta vtičnik ne bo deloval pravilno s trenutno nastavitvijo upravitelja URL-jev.
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Tenant ID | ID najemnika | Details | |
The name is too long. | Ime je predolgo. | Details | |
The name contains special characters. | Ime vsebuje posebne znake. | Details | |
The name contains special characters. Ime vsebuje posebne znake.
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