Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
This is the email address used to create the current authentication token. Please note that all emails will be sent from this address. | Ta e-poštni naslov je uporabljen za ustvarjanje trenutnega žetona za preverjanje pristnosti. Vedite, da bodo vsa e-poštna sporočila poslana iz tega naslova. | Details | |
This is the email address used to create the current authentication token. Please note that all emails will be sent from this address. Ta e-poštni naslov je uporabljen za ustvarjanje trenutnega žetona za preverjanje pristnosti. Vedite, da bodo vsa e-poštna sporočila poslana iz tega naslova.
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Get new token | Pridobite nov žeton | Details | |
OAuth authentication requires the application to be served over HTTPS. | Preverjanje pristnosti z OAuth zahteva, da se aplikacija streže prek HTTPS. | Details | |
OAuth authentication requires the application to be served over HTTPS. Preverjanje pristnosti z OAuth zahteva, da se aplikacija streže prek HTTPS.
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Configuration is complete. | Konfiguracija je končana. | Details | |
The saved token isn't valid. You need to get a new one. | Shranjen žeton ni veljaven. Dobiti morate novega. | Details | |
The saved token isn't valid. You need to get a new one. Shranjen žeton ni veljaven. Dobiti morate novega.
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No OAuth token. | Ni OAuth žetona. | Details | |
Currently saved credentials are incomplete. | Trenutno shranjene poverilnice so nepopolne. | Details | |
Currently saved credentials are incomplete. Trenutno shranjene poverilnice so nepopolne.
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Switch the 'Enabled' setting to 'On' and save. | Preklopite nastavitev 'Omogočeno' na 'Vklopljeno' in shranite. | Details | |
Switch the 'Enabled' setting to 'On' and save. Preklopite nastavitev 'Omogočeno' na 'Vklopljeno' in shranite.
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Follow the steps in the consent screen and check the requested permissions. | Sledite korakom na zaslonu za soglasje in preverite zahtevana dovoljenja. | Details | |
Follow the steps in the consent screen and check the requested permissions. Sledite korakom na zaslonu za soglasje in preverite zahtevana dovoljenja.
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Click the 'Get Token' button to open Google's consent screen in a new window. | Kliknite gumb 'Pridobite žeton', da odprete Googlov zaslon za soglasje v novem oknu. | Details | |
Click the 'Get Token' button to open Google's consent screen in a new window. Kliknite gumb 'Pridobite žeton', da odprete Googlov zaslon za soglasje v novem oknu.
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Client Secret | Skrivni ključ odjemalca | Details | |
Client ID | ID odjemalca | Details | |
Set the 'Client ID' and 'Client Secret' below and save the settings. | Spodaj nastavite 'ID odjemalca' in 'Skrivni ključ odjemalca' ter shranite nastavitve. | Details | |
Set the 'Client ID' and 'Client Secret' below and save the settings. Spodaj nastavite 'ID odjemalca' in 'Skrivni ključ odjemalca' ter shranite nastavitve.
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Activate the plugin. | Aktivirajte vtičnik. | Details | |
You can find more details %shere%s. | Več podrobnosti najdete %stukaj%s. | Details | |
You can find more details %shere%s. Več podrobnosti najdete %stukaj%s.
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