Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
There is no matching saved response. | Ni ujemajočega shranjenega odziva. | Details | |
There is no matching saved response. Ni ujemajočega shranjenega odziva.
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You need to add answer options to this question. | Temu vprašanju morate dodati možne odgovore | Details | |
You need to add answer options to this question. Temu vprašanju morate dodati možne odgovore
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Deleting will also delete any answer options and subquestions it includes. Are you sure you want to continue? | Z brisanjem se izbrišejo tudi vsi možni odgovori in podvprašanja, ki jih vključuje. Ste prepričani, da želite nadaljevati? | Details | |
Deleting will also delete any answer options and subquestions it includes. Are you sure you want to continue? Z brisanjem se izbrišejo tudi vsi možni odgovori in podvprašanja, ki jih vključuje. Ste prepričani, da želite nadaljevati?
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Copy answer options? | Kopiraj možne odgovore? | Details | |
You cannot delete the last answer option. | Zadnjega možnega odgovora ne morete izbrisati. | Details | |
You cannot delete the last answer option. Zadnjega možnega odgovora ne morete izbrisati.
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New answer option | Nov možen odgovor | Details | |
Edit answer options | Uredi možne odgovore | Details | |
Insert a new answer option after this one | Za tem odgovorom vstavi novega | Details | |
Insert a new answer option after this one Za tem odgovorom vstavi novega
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Answer option: | Možen odgovor: | Details | |
Uses left: | Možnih dostopov: | Details | |
After you are done, please click the 'Save' button to save your changes. | Ko končate, kliknite gumb 'Shrani', da shranite spremembe. | Details | |
After you are done, please click the 'Save' button to save your changes. Ko končate, kliknite gumb 'Shrani', da shranite spremembe.
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Choose 'Run/All' from the menu to run the import. | V meniju izberite 'Zaženi/Vse', da začnete uvoz. | Details | |
Choose 'Run/All' from the menu to run the import. V meniju izberite 'Zaženi/Vse', da začnete uvoz.
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There are %s orphaned quota members which can be deleted. | Obstaja %s osamljenih članov, ki ji lahko izbrišete. | Details | |
There are %s orphaned quota members which can be deleted. Obstaja %s osamljenih članov, ki ji lahko izbrišete.
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There are %s orphaned quota entries which can be deleted. | Obstaja %s osamljenih vnosov, ki ji lahko izbrišete. | Details | |
There are %s orphaned quota entries which can be deleted. Obstaja %s osamljenih vnosov, ki ji lahko izbrišete.
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There are %s orphaned quota language settings which can be deleted. | Obstaja %s osamljenih jezikovnih nastavitev, ki jih lahko izbrišete. | Details | |
There are %s orphaned quota language settings which can be deleted. Obstaja %s osamljenih jezikovnih nastavitev, ki jih lahko izbrišete.
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