Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Sorry, but this question has no responses yet so a graph cannot be shown. | Žal, to vprašanje še nima odzivov, zato graf ne more biti prikazan. | Details | |
Sorry, but this question has no responses yet so a graph cannot be shown. Žal, to vprašanje še nima odzivov, zato graf ne more biti prikazan.
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This is a sample question text. The user was asked to enter a date. | To je vzorčno besedilo vprašanja. Uporabnika smo prosili za vnos datuma. | Details | |
This is a sample question text. The user was asked to enter a date. To je vzorčno besedilo vprašanja. Uporabnika smo prosili za vnos datuma.
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This is another sample question text - asking for number. | To je še eno vzorčno besedilo vprašanja - prosimo za številko. | Details | |
This is another sample question text - asking for number. To je še eno vzorčno besedilo vprašanja - prosimo za številko.
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This is one last sample question text - asking for some free text. | To je zadnje vzorčno besedilo vprašanja - sprašujemo za prosto besedilo. | Details | |
This is one last sample question text - asking for some free text. To je zadnje vzorčno besedilo vprašanja - sprašujemo za prosto besedilo.
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This is a sample question text. The user was asked to pick an entry. | To je vzorčno besedilo vprašanja. Uporabnika smo prosili, da izbere vnos. | Details | |
This is a sample question text. The user was asked to pick an entry. To je vzorčno besedilo vprašanja. Uporabnika smo prosili, da izbere vnos.
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Survey archive (.lsa) | Arhiv ankete (.lsa) | Details | |
Are you really sure you want to delete incomplete responses and reset the completed state of both, response and participant? | Ali ste res prepričani, da želite izbrisati nepopolne odzive in ponastaviti stanje napredka odziva in udeleženca? | Details | |
Are you really sure you want to delete incomplete responses and reset the completed state of both, response and participant? Ali ste res prepričani, da želite izbrisati nepopolne odzive in ponastaviti stanje napredka odziva in udeleženca?
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Delete all incomplete responses that correspond to a participant for which a completed response is already recorded | Izbriši vse nepopolne odzive, ki ustrezajo žetonu, za katerega je bil popoln odziv že zabeležen | Details | |
Delete all incomplete responses that correspond to a participant for which a completed response is already recorded Izbriši vse nepopolne odzive, ki ustrezajo žetonu, za katerega je bil popoln odziv že zabeležen
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Survey structure (.lss) | Strukturo ankete (.lss) | Details | |
You can't use 'Anonymized responses' when participant-based response persistence is enabled. | Ne morete uporabiti možnosti 'Anonimni odgovori', ko je omogočeno ohranjanje odzivov udeležencev. | Details | |
You can't use 'Anonymized responses' when participant-based response persistence is enabled. Ne morete uporabiti možnosti 'Anonimni odgovori', ko je omogočeno ohranjanje odzivov udeležencev.
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The responses table has been renamed to: %s | Tabela odzivov je bila preimenovana v: %s | Details | |
The responses table has been renamed to: %s Tabela odzivov je bila preimenovana v: %s
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Question: | Vprašanje: | Details | |
The following old survey response tables exist and may be deleted if no longer required: | Naslednje stare tabele odzivov obstajajo in jih lahko izbrišete, če jih več ne potrebujete: | Details | |
The following old survey response tables exist and may be deleted if no longer required: Naslednje stare tabele odzivov obstajajo in jih lahko izbrišete, če jih več ne potrebujete:
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Permission to create(data entry), view, update, delete, import, export responses | Dovoljenje za ustvarjanje (vnos podatkov), ogled, posodobitev, izbris, uvoz, izvoz odzivov | Details | |
Permission to create(data entry), view, update, delete, import, export responses Dovoljenje za ustvarjanje (vnos podatkov), ogled, posodobitev, izbris, uvoz, izvoz odzivov
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An error occurred saving a response to survey %s | Pri shranjevanju odziva na anketo %s je prišlo do napake | Details | |
An error occurred saving a response to survey %s Pri shranjevanju odziva na anketo %s je prišlo do napake
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