Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Incomplete responses | Nepopolni odzivi | Details | |
Full responses | Popolni odzivi | Details | |
URL for a respondent to opt-in to this survey | URL za anketiranca, da se prijavi za to anketo | Details | |
URL for a respondent to opt-in to this survey URL za anketiranca, da se prijavi za to anketo
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You did not answer to the security question. | Niste odgovorili na varnostno vprašanje. | Details | |
You did not answer to the security question. Niste odgovorili na varnostno vprašanje.
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The fonts file %s was not found in <limesurvey root folder>/fonts directory. Please, see the txt file for your language in fonts directory to generate the charts. | Datoteka s pisavami %s ni bila najdena v mapi <limesurvey root folder>/fonts. Preverite txt datoteko za vaš jezik v mapi pisav, da ustvarite grafikone. | Details | |
The fonts file %s was not found in <limesurvey root folder>/fonts directory. Please, see the txt file for your language in fonts directory to generate the charts. Datoteka s pisavami %s ni bila najdena v mapi <limesurvey root folder>/fonts. Preverite txt datoteko za vaš jezik v mapi pisav, da ustvarite grafikone.
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Export participants to CSV | Izvoz udeležencev v CSV | Details | |
The fonts file %s was not found in <limesurvey root folder>/fonts directory. Please, see the txt file for your language in fonts directory to generate the charts. | Datoteka s pisavami %s ni bila najdena v <limesurvey root folder>/imeniku pisav. Preverite datoteko txt za vaš jezik v imeniku pisave, da ustvarite grafikone. | Details | |
The fonts file %s was not found in <limesurvey root folder>/fonts directory. Please, see the txt file for your language in fonts directory to generate the charts. Datoteka s pisavami %s ni bila najdena v <limesurvey root folder>/imeniku pisav. Preverite datoteko txt za vaš jezik v imeniku pisave, da ustvarite grafikone.
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Set this to the IP/net location of your database server. In most cases "localhost" will work. You can force Unix socket with socket path. | To nastavite na IP/net lokacijo vašega strežnika baze podatkov. V večini primerov bo "localhost" deloval. Unix vtičnico lahko vsilite s potjo vtičnice. | Details | |
Set this to the IP/net location of your database server. In most cases "localhost" will work. You can force Unix socket with socket path. To nastavite na IP/net lokacijo vašega strežnika baze podatkov. V večini primerov bo "localhost" deloval. Unix vtičnico lahko vsilite s potjo vtičnice.
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Plugins | Vtičniki | Details | |
Description | Opis | Details | |
You can import all old responses that are compatible with your current survey. Compatibility is determined by comparing column types and names, the ID field is always ignored. | Uvozite lahko vse stare odzive, ki so kompatibilni s trenutno anketo. Kompatibilnost je določena s primerjavo tipov stolpcev in imen, polje ID pa je vedno ignorirano. | Details | |
You can import all old responses that are compatible with your current survey. Compatibility is determined by comparing column types and names, the ID field is always ignored. Uvozite lahko vse stare odzive, ki so kompatibilni s trenutno anketo. Kompatibilnost je določena s primerjavo tipov stolpcev in imen, polje ID pa je vedno ignorirano.
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The record of your survey responses does not contain any identifying information about you, unless a specific survey question explicitly asked for it. | Zapisi vaših odgovorov ankete ne vsebujejo nobenih identifikacijskih podatkov o vas, razen, če je specifično vprašanje od vas tako zahtevalo. | Details | |
The record of your survey responses does not contain any identifying information about you, unless a specific survey question explicitly asked for it. Zapisi vaših odgovorov ankete ne vsebujejo nobenih identifikacijskih podatkov o vas, razen, če je specifično vprašanje od vas tako zahtevalo.
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If you used an identifying access code to access this survey, please rest assured that this code will not be stored together with your responses. It is managed in a separate database and will only be updated to indicate whether you did (or did not) complete this survey. There is no way of matching identification access codes with survey responses. | Če ste uporabili identifikacijski žeton za dostop do te ankete, naj vas ne skrbi, saj ne bo shranjen skupaj z vašimi odgovori. Hrani se v ločeni bazi podatkov in bo posodobljen le, da bo pokazal, ali ste to anketo dokončali ali ne. Ne obstaja način ujemanja identifikacijskih žetonov z odgovori na anketo. | Details | |
If you used an identifying access code to access this survey, please rest assured that this code will not be stored together with your responses. It is managed in a separate database and will only be updated to indicate whether you did (or did not) complete this survey. There is no way of matching identification access codes with survey responses. Če ste uporabili identifikacijski žeton za dostop do te ankete, naj vas ne skrbi, saj ne bo shranjen skupaj z vašimi odgovori. Hrani se v ločeni bazi podatkov in bo posodobljen le, da bo pokazal, ali ste to anketo dokončali ali ne. Ne obstaja način ujemanja identifikacijskih žetonov z odgovori na anketo.
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digit: source("filename", encoding = "UTF-8") on the R command window, replace filename with the actual filename | digit: source("filename", encoding = "UTF-8") v ukaznem oknu R zamenjajte ime datoteke z dejanskim imenom datoteke | Details | |
digit: source("filename", encoding = "UTF-8") on the R command window, replace filename with the actual filename digit: source("filename", encoding = "UTF-8") v ukaznem oknu R zamenjajte ime datoteke z dejanskim imenom datoteke
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Invitation email body: | Telo e-poštnega povabila: | Details | |
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