Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
'%s' can not be used if the 'Other' option for this question is activated. | '%s' ni mogoče uporabiti, če je za to vprašanje aktivirana možnost 'Drugo'. | Details | |
'%s' can not be used if the 'Other' option for this question is activated. '%s' ni mogoče uporabiti, če je za to vprašanje aktivirana možnost 'Drugo'.
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The existing label set has different/more languages. | Obstoječi nabor oznak ima različne/več jezikov. | Details | |
The existing label set has different/more languages. Obstoječi nabor oznak ima različne/več jezikov.
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This email address cannot be used because it was opted out of this survey. | Tega e-poštnega naslova ni mogoče uporabiti, ker je bil izključen iz te ankete. | Details | |
This email address cannot be used because it was opted out of this survey. Tega e-poštnega naslova ni mogoče uporabiti, ker je bil izključen iz te ankete.
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Sorry, there are no files for this response. | Žal ni datotek za ta odziv. | Details | |
Sorry, there are no files for this response. Žal ni datotek za ta odziv.
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Sorry, this file was not found. | Oprostite, ta datoteka ni bila najdena. | Details | |
Sorry, this file was not found. Oprostite, ta datoteka ni bila najdena.
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Question code & question text | Koda vprašanja & besedilo vprašanja | Details | |
Question code & question text Koda vprašanja & besedilo vprašanja
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Not completed | Nedokončano | Details | |
not having already completed the survey | niso še izpolnili ankete | Details | |
not having already completed the survey niso še izpolnili ankete
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There were errors when trying to populate the database: | Pri poskusu zapolnitve baze podatkov je prišlo do napak: | Details | |
There were errors when trying to populate the database: Pri poskusu zapolnitve baze podatkov je prišlo do napak:
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If you set 'Yes' then no link will exist between survey participants table and survey responses table. You won't be able to identify responses by their access code. | Če izberete 'Da', ne bo povezave med tabelo udeležencev ankete in tabelo odzivov. Odzivov ne boste mogli prepoznati po njihovi kodi za dostop. | Details | |
If you set 'Yes' then no link will exist between survey participants table and survey responses table. You won't be able to identify responses by their access code. Če izberete 'Da', ne bo povezave med tabelo udeležencev ankete in tabelo odzivov. Odzivov ne boste mogli prepoznati po njihovi kodi za dostop.
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With non-anonymized responses (and the survey participants table field 'Uses left' set to 1) if the participant closes the survey and opens it again (by using the survey link) their previous answers will be reloaded. | Pri ne-anonimnih odzivih (in vrednostjo polja 'Možnih dostopov' nastavljeno na 1), bodo prejšnji odgovori udeleženca ponovno naloženi, če ta zapre anketo in jo znova odpre (z uporabo povezave ankete). | Details | |
With non-anonymized responses (and the survey participants table field 'Uses left' set to 1) if the participant closes the survey and opens it again (by using the survey link) their previous answers will be reloaded. Pri ne-anonimnih odzivih (in vrednostjo polja 'Možnih dostopov' nastavljeno na 1), bodo prejšnji odgovori udeleženca ponovno naloženi, če ta zapre anketo in jo znova odpre (z uporabo povezave ankete).
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This invitation is not valid anymore. | To povabilo ni več veljavno. | Details | |
This invitation is not valid anymore. To povabilo ni več veljavno.
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%s entries were skipped because they are blocklisted | %s vnosov je bilo preskočenih, ker so na seznamu blokiranih | Details | |
%s entries were skipped because they are blocklisted %s vnosov je bilo preskočenih, ker so na seznamu blokiranih
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Force each answer option to have the same height. | Vsilite vsakemu možnemu odgovoru, da ima enako višino | Details | |
Force each answer option to have the same height. Vsilite vsakemu možnemu odgovoru, da ima enako višino
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Same height for all answer options | Ista višina za vse možne odgovorov | Details | |
Same height for all answer options Ista višina za vse možne odgovorov
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