Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
After the answer options a cell does give some information. | Celica vsebuje nekaj informacij po možnimi odgovori. | Details | |
After the answer options a cell does give some information. Celica vsebuje nekaj informacij po možnimi odgovori.
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A table with a subquestion on each row. The answer options are contained in the table header. | Tabela s podvprašanjem v vsaki vrstici. Možni odgovori so v glavi tabele. | Details | |
A table with a subquestion on each row. The answer options are contained in the table header. Tabela s podvprašanjem v vsaki vrstici. Možni odgovori so v glavi tabele.
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Not enough response data | Ni dovolj podatkov v odzivih | Details | |
Your ranking | Vaša uvrstitev | Details | |
A survey participant entry for the saved survey has been created, too. | Ustvarjen je bil tudi vnos udeleženca ankete za shranjeno anketo. | Details | |
A survey participant entry for the saved survey has been created, too. Ustvarjen je bil tudi vnos udeleženca ankete za shranjeno anketo.
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Create dummy participants | Ustvari navidezne udeležence | Details | |
New dummy participants were added. | Dodani so bili novi navidezni udeleženci. | Details | |
New dummy participants were added. Dodani so bili novi navidezni udeleženci.
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Survey participants have not been initialised for this survey. | Udeleženci ankete niso bili inicializirani za to anketo. | Details | |
Survey participants have not been initialised for this survey. Udeleženci ankete niso bili inicializirani za to anketo.
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The survey participant was successfully updated. | Udeleženec ankete je bil uspešno posodobljen. | Details | |
The survey participant was successfully updated. Udeleženec ankete je bil uspešno posodobljen.
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Sorry, this response was not found. | Oprostite, ta odziv ni bil najden. | Details | |
Sorry, this response was not found. Oprostite, ta odziv ni bil najden.
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You can add your custom themes in upload/admintheme | Svoje teme po meri lahko dodate v mapo upload/admintheme | Details | |
You can add your custom themes in upload/admintheme Svoje teme po meri lahko dodate v mapo upload/admintheme
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The survey response table could not be created. | Ni bilo mogoče ustvariti tabele odzivov ankete. | Details | |
The survey response table could not be created. Ni bilo mogoče ustvariti tabele odzivov ankete.
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The response record %s was updated. | Zapis odziva %s je bil posodobljen. | Details | |
The response record %s was updated. Zapis odziva %s je bil posodobljen.
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No surveys found. | Nobena anketa ni bila najdena. | Details | |
New box | Novo polje | Details | |
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