Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Notification %s not found | Obvestila %s ni bilo mogoče najti | Details | |
Notification %s not found Obvestila %s ni bilo mogoče najti
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Invalid notification id | Neveljaven ID obvestila | Details | |
Survey description | Opis ankete | Details | |
An unknown error occurred | Prišlo je do neznane napake | Details | |
Reset response start ID | Ponastavi začetni ID odzivov | Details | |
Delete from central panel, associated surveys and all associated responses | Izbriši iz osrednje plošče, povezanih anket in vseh povezanih odzivov | Details | |
Delete from central panel, associated surveys and all associated responses Izbriši iz osrednje plošče, povezanih anket in vseh povezanih odzivov
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Participant removed from sharing | Udeleženec je odstranjen iz skupne rabe | Details | |
Participant removed from sharing Udeleženec je odstranjen iz skupne rabe
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Participant share deleted | Skupna raba udeleženca je izbrisana | Details | |
Participant share deleted Skupna raba udeleženca je izbrisana
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No participant shares were deleted | Nobena skupna raba udeležencev ni bila izbrisana | Details | |
No participant shares were deleted Nobena skupna raba udeležencev ni bila izbrisana
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Found no participant share | Skupna raba udeleženca ni bila najdena | Details | |
Found no participant share Skupna raba udeleženca ni bila najdena
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Participant shared. | Udeleženec je bil dan v skupno rabo. | Details | |
Participant shared. Udeleženec je bil dan v skupno rabo.
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%s participant share was deleted|%s participant shares were deleted | %s skupna raba udeleženca je bila izbrisana|%s skupnih rab udeleženca je bilo izbrisanih | Details | |
%s participant share was deleted|%s participant shares were deleted %s skupna raba udeleženca je bila izbrisana|%s skupnih rab udeleženca je bilo izbrisanih
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Are you sure you want to delete the selected responses? | Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane odzive? | Details | |
Are you sure you want to delete the selected responses? Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane odzive?
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Selected response(s)... | Izbrani odziv(i)... | Details | |
You do not have permission to access this page. | Nimate dovoljenja za dostop do te strani. | Details | |
You do not have permission to access this page. Nimate dovoljenja za dostop do te strani.
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