Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
The welcome message | Pozdravno sporočilo | Details | |
The end message | Končno sporočilo | Details | |
Now save your survey | Zdaj shranite anketo | Details | |
The survey title | Naslov ankete | Details | |
Delete this survey menu entry | Izbriši ta vnos anketnega menija | Details | |
Delete this survey menu entry Izbriši ta vnos anketnega menija
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Edit this survey menu entry | Uredi ta vnos v meniju ankete | Details | |
Edit this survey menu entry Uredi ta vnos v meniju ankete
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Delete this survey menu | Izbriši ta meni ankete | Details | |
Edit this survey menu | Uredi ta meni ankete | Details | |
Welcome to LimeSurvey! | Dobrodošli v LimeSurvey! | Details | |
The basic functions | Osnovne funkcije | Details | |
You can't delete template '%s' because one or more templates inherit from it. | Predloge '%s' ne morete izbrisati, ker od nje deduje ena ali več predlog. | Details | |
You can't delete template '%s' because one or more templates inherit from it. Predloge '%s' ne morete izbrisati, ker od nje deduje ena ali več predlog.
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Demo mode: Uploading plugins is disabled. | Način demonstracije: nalaganje vtičnikov je onemogočeno. | Details | |
Demo mode: Uploading plugins is disabled. Način demonstracije: nalaganje vtičnikov je onemogočeno.
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Default survey menus restored. | Privzeti meniji anket so obnovljeni. | Details | |
Default survey menus restored. Privzeti meniji anket so obnovljeni.
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Default survey menu entries restored. | Privzeti vnosi v meniju anket so obnovljeni. | Details | |
Default survey menu entries restored. Privzeti vnosi v meniju anket so obnovljeni.
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You can't delete a group if it's not empty! | Ne morete izbrisati skupine, če ni prazna! | Details | |
You can't delete a group if it's not empty! Ne morete izbrisati skupine, če ni prazna!
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