Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Add subquestion row | Dodajte vrstico podvprašanja | Details | |
Now save the subquestions | Zdaj shranite podvprašanja | Details | |
Now save the created question | Zdaj shranite ustvarjeno vprašanje | Details | |
Now save the created question Zdaj shranite ustvarjeno vprašanje
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The question bar | Vrstica z vprašanji | Details | |
Add some subquestions to your question | Svojemu vprašanju dodajte nekaj podvprašanj | Details | |
Add some subquestions to your question Svojemu vprašanju dodajte nekaj podvprašanj
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Set your question type. | Nastavite vrsto vprašanja. | Details | |
The actual question text | Dejansko besedilo vprašanja | Details | |
An additional help text for your question | Dodatno besedilo za pomoč pri vašem vprašanju | Details | |
An additional help text for your question Dodatno besedilo za pomoč pri vašem vprašanju
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A description for your question group | Opis vaše skupine vprašanj | Details | |
A description for your question group Opis vaše skupine vprašanj
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Save and add a new question | Shrani in dodaj novo vprašanje | Details | |
Save and add a new question Shrani in dodaj novo vprašanje
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The title of your question | Naslov vašega vprašanja | Details | |
The settings tab with the survey menu | Zavihek nastavitev v meniju ankete | Details | |
The settings tab with the survey menu Zavihek nastavitev v meniju ankete
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The survey structure | Struktura ankete | Details | |
The survey description | Opis ankete | Details | |
Create a sample question and question group | Ustvarite vzorčno vprašanje in skupino vprašanj | Details | |
Create a sample question and question group Ustvarite vzorčno vprašanje in skupino vprašanj
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