Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
These settings cannot be changed once the survey is online. | Teh nastavitev ni mogoče spremeniti, ko je anketa na spletu. | Details | |
These settings cannot be changed once the survey is online. Teh nastavitev ni mogoče spremeniti, ko je anketa na spletu.
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Next, we will create subquestions and answer options. | Zatem bomo ustvarili podvprašanja in možne odgovore. | Details | |
Next, we will create subquestions and answer options. Zatem bomo ustvarili podvprašanja in možne odgovore.
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Please select the 'Array'-type. | Izberite vrsto 'Polje'. | Details | |
Please select the 'Array'-type. Izberite vrsto 'Polje'.
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Now when you are finished click on 'Save and add question'. | Zdaj, ko ste končali, kliknite 'Shrani in dodaj vprašanje'. | Details | |
Now when you are finished click on 'Save and add question'. Zdaj, ko ste končali, kliknite 'Shrani in dodaj vprašanje'.
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This will directly add a question to the current question group. | To bo neposredno dodalo vprašanje v trenutno skupino vprašanj. | Details | |
This will directly add a question to the current question group. To bo neposredno dodalo vprašanje v trenutno skupino vprašanj.
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This is the sidebar. | To je stranska vrstica. | Details | |
From left to right it should be 'Create survey', 'List surveys' and 'Global settings'. Best we start by creating a survey. | Od leve proti desni so možnosti 'Ustvari anketo', 'Seznam anket' in 'Globalne nastavitve'. Najbolje, da začnemo z izdelavo ankete. | Details | |
From left to right it should be 'Create survey', 'List surveys' and 'Global settings'. Best we start by creating a survey. Od leve proti desni so možnosti 'Ustvari anketo', 'Seznam anket' in 'Globalne nastavitve'. Najbolje, da začnemo z izdelavo ankete.
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This is the title of your survey. | To je naslov vaše ankete. | Details | |
This is the title of your survey. To je naslov vaše ankete.
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You have to put in at least a title for the survey to be saved. | Da se anketa shrani, morate vnesti vsaj naslov. | Details | |
You have to put in at least a title for the survey to be saved. Da se anketa shrani, morate vnesti vsaj naslov.
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The survey group '%s' was deleted. | Anketna skupina '%s' je bila izbrisana. | Details | |
The survey group '%s' was deleted. Anketna skupina '%s' je bila izbrisana.
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Or, try out our interactive tutorial tour | Ali pa preizkusite naš interaktiven voden vodič | Details | |
Or, try out our interactive tutorial tour Ali pa preizkusite naš interaktiven voden vodič
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Viewing file '%s' | Prikaz datoteke '%s' | Details | |
Edit survey menu entry | Uredi vnos menija ankete | Details | |
Create new survey menu entry | Ustvari nov vnos v meniju ankete | Details | |
Create new survey menu entry Ustvari nov vnos v meniju ankete
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Survey menu | Meni ankete | Details | |
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