Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
The answer options will be shown for each subquestion. | Za vsako podvprašanje bodo prikazani možni odgovori. | Details | |
The answer options will be shown for each subquestion. Za vsako podvprašanje bodo prikazani možni odgovori.
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Click on 'No, thanks' | Kliknite 'Ne, hvala' | Details | |
The closed access mode needs a participant list, which you may create by clicking on the menu entry 'Participants'. | Način zaprtega dostopa potrebuje seznam udeležencev, ki ga lahko ustvarite s klikom na menijski vnos 'Udeleženci'. | Details | |
The closed access mode needs a participant list, which you may create by clicking on the menu entry 'Participants'. Način zaprtega dostopa potrebuje seznam udeležencev, ki ga lahko ustvarite s klikom na menijski vnos 'Udeleženci'.
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Now click on "Save & activate survey" | Zdaj kliknite "Shrani in aktiviraj anketo" | Details | |
Now click on "Save & activate survey" Zdaj kliknite "Shrani in aktiviraj anketo"
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Thank you for taking the tour! | Hvala za uporabo vodiča! | Details | |
Thank you for taking the tour! Hvala za uporabo vodiča!
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Now that we've got some subquestions, we have to add answer options as well. | Zdaj, ko imate nekaj podvprašanj, morate dodati tudi možne odgovore. | Details | |
Now that we've got some subquestions, we have to add answer options as well. Zdaj, ko imate nekaj podvprašanj, morate dodati tudi možne odgovore.
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To fully use it, you have to add subquestions as well as answer options. | Da ga v celoti izkoristite, morate dodati podvprašanja in možne odgovore. | Details | |
To fully use it, you have to add subquestions as well as answer options. Da ga v celoti izkoristite, morate dodati podvprašanja in možne odgovore.
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Please add at least two answer options to proceed. | Če želite nadaljevati, dodajte vsaj dva možna odgovora. | Details | |
Please add at least two answer options to proceed. Če želite nadaljevati, dodajte vsaj dva možna odgovora.
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Click on the 'Edit answer options' button. | Kliknite na gumb 'Uredi možne odgovore'. | Details | |
Click on the 'Edit answer options' button. Kliknite na gumb 'Uredi možne odgovore'.
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Click on 'Preview survey' and return to this window when you are done testing. | Kliknite 'Predogled ankete' in se vrnite v to okno, ko končate s testiranjem. | Details | |
Click on 'Preview survey' and return to this window when you are done testing. Kliknite 'Predogled ankete' in se vrnite v to okno, ko končate s testiranjem.
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Click on the 'Edit subquestions' button. | Kliknite na gumb 'Uredi podvprašanja'. | Details | |
Click on the 'Edit subquestions' button. Kliknite na gumb 'Uredi podvprašanja'.
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Let's start with subquestions. | Začnimo s podvprašanji. | Details | |
Click on the plus sign %s to add another subquestion to your question. | Kliknite na znak plus %s, da svojemu vprašanju dodate še eno podvprašanje. | Details | |
Click on the plus sign %s to add another subquestion to your question. Kliknite na znak plus %s, da svojemu vprašanju dodate še eno podvprašanje.
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Please add at least two subquestions | Dodajte vsaj dve podvprašanji | Details | |
Please add at least two subquestions Dodajte vsaj dve podvprašanji
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Click on 'Activate this survey' | Kliknite 'Aktiviraj to anketo' | Details | |
Click on 'Activate this survey' Kliknite 'Aktiviraj to anketo'
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