Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Theme name | Ime teme | Details | |
Selected | Izbrano | Details | |
Theme options | Možnosti teme | Details | |
Invalid theme name | Neveljavno ime teme | Details | |
Theme options saved. | Možnosti teme so bile shranjene. | Details | |
All fields below (except CSS framework name) must be either a valid JSON array or the string "inherit". | Vsa spodnja polja (razen imena ogrodja CSS) morajo biti veljavna JSON matrika ali niz "inherit". | Details | |
All fields below (except CSS framework name) must be either a valid JSON array or the string "inherit". Vsa spodnja polja (razen imena ogrodja CSS) morajo biti veljavna JSON matrika ali niz "inherit".
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Error: Malformed JSON - field %s must be either a JSON array or the string "inherit". Found "null". | Napaka: napačno oblikovan JSON – polje %s mora biti ali JSON matrika ali niz "inherit". Najden "null". | Details | |
Error: Malformed JSON - field %s must be either a JSON array or the string "inherit". Found "null". Napaka: napačno oblikovan JSON – polje %s mora biti ali JSON matrika ali niz "inherit". Najden "null".
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Responses and statistics | Odzivi in statistika | Details | |
Theme '%s' has been uninstalled because it's not compatible with this LimeSurvey version. | Tema '%s' je bila odstranjena, ker ni združljiva s to različico LimeSurvey. | Details | |
Theme '%s' has been uninstalled because it's not compatible with this LimeSurvey version. Tema '%s' je bila odstranjena, ker ni združljiva s to različico LimeSurvey.
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Notice: Field '%s' (%s) was left empty, even though it is a mandatory attribute. | Obvestilo: Polje '%s' je ostalo prazno, čeprav je obvezen atribut. | Details | |
Notice: Field '%s' (%s) was left empty, even though it is a mandatory attribute. Obvestilo: Polje '%s' je ostalo prazno, čeprav je obvezen atribut.
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There was an error when saving your personal settings. | Pri shranjevanju osebnih nastavitev je prišlo do napake. | Details | |
There was an error when saving your personal settings. Pri shranjevanju osebnih nastavitev je prišlo do napake.
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Click on the 'Create survey' box - or 'Next' in this tutorial | Kliknite 'Ustvari anketo' - ali 'Naprej' v tem vodiču | Details | |
Click on the 'Create survey' box - or 'Next' in this tutorial Kliknite 'Ustvari anketo' - ali 'Naprej' v tem vodiču
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Now click on 'Save and add question'. | Zdaj kliknite 'Shrani in dodaj vprašanje'. | Details | |
Now click on 'Save and add question'. Zdaj kliknite 'Shrani in dodaj vprašanje'.
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Enter a title for your first question group | Vnesite naslov za svojo prvo skupino vprašanj | Details | |
Enter a title for your first question group Vnesite naslov za svojo prvo skupino vprašanj
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You may play around with more settings, but let's save and start adding questions to your survey now. Just click on 'Save'. | V nastavitvah lahko preizkusite več različnih možnosti, vendar za zdaj shranimo in začnimo dodajati vprašanja v vašo anketo. Kliknite 'Shrani'. | Details | |
You may play around with more settings, but let's save and start adding questions to your survey now. Just click on 'Save'. V nastavitvah lahko preizkusite več različnih možnosti, vendar za zdaj shranimo in začnimo dodajati vprašanja v vašo anketo. Kliknite 'Shrani'.
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