Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Tutorials | Vodiči | Details | |
As you can see, editing answer options is quite similar to editing subquestions. | Kot vidite, je urejanje možnih odgovorov precej podobno urejanju podvprašanj. | Details | |
As you can see, editing answer options is quite similar to editing subquestions. Kot vidite, je urejanje možnih odgovorov precej podobno urejanju podvprašanj.
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Save and close now and let's edit the answer options. | Shrani in zapri zdaj ter uredite možne odgovore. | Details | |
Save and close now and let's edit the answer options. Shrani in zapri zdaj ter uredite možne odgovore.
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You can see the "breadcrumbs" In the top bar of the admin interface. | V zgornji vrstici skrbniškega vmesnika lahko vidite "drobtine". | Details | |
You can see the "breadcrumbs" In the top bar of the admin interface. V zgornji vrstici skrbniškega vmesnika lahko vidite "drobtine".
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Click on 'Save and close' or 'Next' to proceed. | Za nadaljevanje kliknite 'Shrani in zapri' ali 'Naprej'. | Details | |
Click on 'Save and close' or 'Next' to proceed. Za nadaljevanje kliknite 'Shrani in zapri' ali 'Naprej'.
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Remember the plus button | Ne pozabite na gumb plus | Details | |
You should add some subquestions for your question here. | Tukaj morate dodati nekaj podvprašanj za svoje vprašanje. | Details | |
You should add some subquestions for your question here. Tukaj morate dodati nekaj podvprašanj za svoje vprašanje.
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Now, activate your survey. | Zdaj aktivirajte svojo anketo. | Details | |
Now, activate your survey. Zdaj aktivirajte svojo anketo.
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As you can see, the preselected question type is the 'Long free text' one. We will use in this example the 'Array' question type. | Kot lahko vidite, je vnaprej izbrana vrsta vprašanja 'Dolgo prosto besedilo'. V tem primeru bomo uporabili tip vprašanja 'Polje'. | Details | |
As you can see, the preselected question type is the 'Long free text' one. We will use in this example the 'Array' question type. Kot lahko vidite, je vnaprej izbrana vrsta vprašanja 'Dolgo prosto besedilo'. V tem primeru bomo uporabili tip vprašanja 'Polje'.
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We will be creating a question group and a question in this tutorial. There is need to automatically create them. | V tem vodiču bomo ustvarili skupino vprašanj in posamezno vprašanje. Ustvariti jih je treba samodejno. | Details | |
We will be creating a question group and a question in this tutorial. There is need to automatically create them. V tem vodiču bomo ustvarili skupino vprašanj in posamezno vprašanje. Ustvariti jih je treba samodejno.
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In this field you may type a short description of your survey. | V tem polju lahko vnesete kratek opis vaše ankete. | Details | |
In this field you may type a short description of your survey. V tem polju lahko vnesete kratek opis vaše ankete.
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Let's add a question group | Dodajmo skupino vprašanj | Details | |
This description is also visible to your participants. | Ta opis je viden tudi vašim udeležencem. | Details | |
This description is also visible to your participants. Ta opis je viden tudi vašim udeležencem.
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This is the question bar. | To je vrstica z vprašanji. | Details | |
General survey settings | Splošne nastavitve ankete | Details | |
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