Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Main survey menu | Glavni meni ankete | Details | |
Edit theme options for this survey | Uredite možnosti teme za to anketo | Details | |
Edit theme options for this survey Uredite možnosti teme za to anketo
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Presentation & navigation settings | Nastavitve predstavitve in navigacije | Details | |
Presentation & navigation settings Nastavitve predstavitve in navigacije
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Edit presentation and navigation settings | Uredite nastavitve predstavitve in navigacije | Details | |
Edit presentation and navigation settings Uredite nastavitve predstavitve in navigacije
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Survey participant settings | Nastavitve udeležencev ankete | Details | |
Survey participant settings Nastavitve udeležencev ankete
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Set additional options for survey participants | Nastavite dodatne možnosti za udeležence ankete | Details | |
Set additional options for survey participants Nastavite dodatne možnosti za udeležence ankete
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Notification and data management settings | Nastavitve obveščanja in upravljanja podatkov | Details | |
Notification and data management settings Nastavitve obveščanja in upravljanja podatkov
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Edit settings for notification and data management | Uredite nastavitve za upravljanje obvestil in podatkov | Details | |
Edit settings for notification and data management Uredite nastavitve za upravljanje obvestil in podatkov
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Survey overview | Pregled ankete | Details | |
Publication & access control settings | Nastavitve objave in nadzora dostopa | Details | |
Publication & access control settings Nastavitve objave in nadzora dostopa
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Publication & access | Objava & dostop | Details | |
Edit settings for publication and access control | Uredite nastavitve za objavo in nadzor dostopa | Details | |
Edit settings for publication and access control Uredite nastavitve za objavo in nadzor dostopa
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Edit permissions for this survey | Urejanje dovoljenj za to anketo | Details | |
Edit permissions for this survey Urejanje dovoljenj za to anketo
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Go to survey participant and token settings | Pojdite na nastavitve udeležencev ankete in žetonov | Details | |
Go to survey participant and token settings Pojdite na nastavitve udeležencev ankete in žetonov
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Edit quotas | Uredite kvote | Details | |
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