Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
All necessary styles will be loaded, to print it just press Ctrl/Cmd+p or select print from your browser menu. | Naložili se bodo vsi potrebni slogi, za tiskanje preprosto pritisnite Ctrl/Cmd+p ali izberite tiskanje v meniju brskalnika. | Details | |
All necessary styles will be loaded, to print it just press Ctrl/Cmd+p or select print from your browser menu. Naložili se bodo vsi potrebni slogi, za tiskanje preprosto pritisnite Ctrl/Cmd+p ali izberite tiskanje v meniju brskalnika.
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It will include the following data in a ZIP file ending with '.lsa'. | V datoteki ZIP, s končnico '.lsa', bodo vključeni naslednji podatki. | Details | |
It will include the following data in a ZIP file ending with '.lsa'. V datoteki ZIP, s končnico '.lsa', bodo vključeni naslednji podatki.
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Preview image | Predogled slike | Details | |
We are sorry but you can't proceed without first agreeing to our survey privacy policy. | Žal ne morete nadaljevati, ne da bi se prej strinjali z našim pravilnikom o zasebnosti ankete. | Details | |
We are sorry but you can't proceed without first agreeing to our survey privacy policy. Žal ne morete nadaljevati, ne da bi se prej strinjali z našim pravilnikom o zasebnosti ankete.
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The theme '%s' has been reset. | Tema '%s' je bila ponastavljena. | Details | |
The theme '%s' has been reset. Tema '%s' je bila ponastavljena.
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This list cannot accept survey participant attributes. | Ta seznam ne more sprejeti atributov udeležencev ankete. | Details | |
This list cannot accept survey participant attributes. Ta seznam ne more sprejeti atributov udeležencev ankete.
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There is no matching user %s in group %s. | Uporabnik %s ni najden v skupini %s. | Details | |
There is no matching user %s in group %s. Uporabnik %s ni najden v skupini %s.
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Deleting orphaned user group assignments: %u assignments deleted | Brisanje osamljenih dodelitev skupin uporabnikov: izbrisanih %u dodelitev | Details | |
Deleting orphaned user group assignments: %u assignments deleted Brisanje osamljenih dodelitev skupin uporabnikov: izbrisanih %u dodelitev
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Theme '%s' does not exist. | Tema '%s' ne obstaja. | Details | |
Theme editor: | Urejevalnik tem: | Details | |
Can not import a theme that already exists! | Teme, ki že obstaja, ni mogoče uvoziti! | Details | |
Can not import a theme that already exists! Teme, ki že obstaja, ni mogoče uvoziti!
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Logo | Logotip | Details | |
Survey container | Vsebnik ankete | Details | |
Question borders | Robovi vprašanja | Details | |
Question shadow | Senca vprašanja | Details | |
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