Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
The survey in which you are trying to participate does not seem to exist. | Zdi se, da anketa v kateri poskušate sodelovati, ne obstaja. | Details | |
The survey in which you are trying to participate does not seem to exist. Zdi se, da anketa v kateri poskušate sodelovati, ne obstaja.
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You must be logged in to access to this page. | Za dostop do te strani morate biti prijavljeni. | Details | |
You must be logged in to access to this page. Za dostop do te strani morate biti prijavljeni.
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404: Not Found | 404: Ni najdeno | Details | |
The requested URL was not found on this server. | Zahtevanega URL-ja ni bilo mogoče najti na tem strežniku. | Details | |
The requested URL was not found on this server. Zahtevanega URL-ja ni bilo mogoče najti na tem strežniku.
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Please contact %s to report this problem. | Obrnite se na %s, da prijavite to težavo. | Details | |
Please contact %s to report this problem. Obrnite se na %s, da prijavite to težavo.
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Error %s | Napaka %s | Details | |
Collapsible text | Zložljivo besedilo | Details | |
Show popups | Pokaži pojavna okna | Details | |
On page | Na strani | Details | |
This bar will change as you move through the functionalities. The current bar corresponds to the "overview" tab. It contains the most important LimeSurvey functionalities such as preview and activate survey. | Ta vrstica se bo spreminjala med premikanjem po funkcionalnostih. Trenutna vrstica ustreza zavihku "pregled". Vsebuje najpomembnejše funkcionalnosti orodja LimeSurvey, kot sta predogled in aktiviraj anketo. | Details | |
This bar will change as you move through the functionalities. The current bar corresponds to the "overview" tab. It contains the most important LimeSurvey functionalities such as preview and activate survey. Ta vrstica se bo spreminjala med premikanjem po funkcionalnostih. Trenutna vrstica ustreza zavihku "pregled". Vsebuje najpomembnejše funkcionalnosti orodja LimeSurvey, kot sta predogled in aktiviraj anketo.
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Disabled by configuration. Set 'showpopups' option in config.php file to enable this option. | Onemogočeno zaradi konfiguracije. Nastavite možnost 'showpopups' v datoteki config.php, da omogočite to možnost. | Details | |
Disabled by configuration. Set 'showpopups' option in config.php file to enable this option. Onemogočeno zaradi konfiguracije. Nastavite možnost 'showpopups' v datoteki config.php, da omogočite to možnost.
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Theme '%s' was successfully deleted. | Tema '%s' je bila uspešno izbrisana. | Details | |
Theme '%s' was successfully deleted. Tema '%s' je bila uspešno izbrisana.
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It also makes it easy to do bulk editing of your survey, such as find-replace, bulk-reordering, looping (repeating groups), and testing (such as temporarily disabling mandatory or validation criteria). | Prav tako omogoča množično urejanje vaše ankete, kot je iskanje-zamenjaj, množično preurejanje, zankanje (ponavljajoče se skupine) in testiranje (kot je začasno onemogočanje obveznih ali potrditvenih meril). | Details | |
It also makes it easy to do bulk editing of your survey, such as find-replace, bulk-reordering, looping (repeating groups), and testing (such as temporarily disabling mandatory or validation criteria). Prav tako omogoča množično urejanje vaše ankete, kot je iskanje-zamenjaj, množično preurejanje, zankanje (ponavljajoče se skupine) in testiranje (kot je začasno onemogočanje obveznih ali potrditvenih meril).
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This export will dump all the groups, questions, answers and conditions for your survey into a .LSS file (which is basically an XML file). This dump file can be used with the 'Import survey' feature when creating a new survey. | Ta izvoz bo vse skupine, vprašanja, odgovore in pogoje za vašo anketo prenesel v datoteko .LSS (ki je v bistvu datoteka XML). To datoteko izpisa lahko uporabite s funkcijo 'Uvoz ankete', ko ustvarjate novo anketo. | Details | |
This export will dump all the groups, questions, answers and conditions for your survey into a .LSS file (which is basically an XML file). This dump file can be used with the 'Import survey' feature when creating a new survey. Ta izvoz bo vse skupine, vprašanja, odgovore in pogoje za vašo anketo prenesel v datoteko .LSS (ki je v bistvu datoteka XML). To datoteko izpisa lahko uporabite s funkcijo 'Uvoz ankete', ko ustvarjate novo anketo.
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Response data (Attention: Doesn't include files uploaded in a file upload question. These have to be exported separately.) | Podatki o odzivih (Pozor: ne vključuje datotek, naloženih v datoteki za nalaganje vprašanj. Te je treba izvoziti ločeno.) | Details | |
Response data (Attention: Doesn't include files uploaded in a file upload question. These have to be exported separately.) Podatki o odzivih (Pozor: ne vključuje datotek, naloženih v datoteki za nalaganje vprašanj. Te je treba izvoziti ločeno.)
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