Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Variable not found: %s | Spremenljivke ni bilo mogoče najti: %s | Details | |
Variable not found: %s Spremenljivke ni bilo mogoče najti: %s
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Invalid ID | Neveljaven ID | Details | |
For expression | Izraz for | Details | |
'comment' suffix can not be used with multiple choice with comments. | Pripone 'comment' ni mogoče uporabiti v vprašanju z več možnostmi s komentarji. | Details | |
'comment' suffix can not be used with multiple choice with comments. Pripone 'comment' ni mogoče uporabiti v vprašanju z več možnostmi s komentarji.
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Zebra-striped questions | Zebrasta vprašanja | Details | |
having at least one use left | imajo še vsaj en preostalo uporabo | Details | |
having at least one use left imajo še vsaj en preostalo uporabo
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If you want to specify a link to the privacy policy, ↵ set "Show privacy policy text with mandatory checkbox" to "Collapsible text" and use the placeholders {STARTPOLICYLINK} and {ENDPOLICYLINK} in the ↵ "Privacy policy checkbox label" field to define the link that opens the policy popup. If there is no placeholder given, there will be an appendix. | Če želite določiti povezavo do pravilnika o zasebnosti, nastavite "Prikaži besedilo pravilnika o zasebnosti z obveznim potrditvenim poljem" na "Zložljivo besedilo" in uporabite posebni kodi {STARTPOLICYLINK} in {ENDPOLICYLINK} v polju "Oznaka potrditvenega polja pravilnika o zasebnosti", da določite povezavo, ki odpre pojavno okno pravilnika. Če ne uporabite posebnih kod, bo na voljo dodatek. | Details | |
If you want to specify a link to the privacy policy, ↵ set "Show privacy policy text with mandatory checkbox" to "Collapsible text" and use the placeholders {STARTPOLICYLINK} and {ENDPOLICYLINK} in the ↵ "Privacy policy checkbox label" field to define the link that opens the policy popup. If there is no placeholder given, there will be an appendix. Če želite določiti povezavo do pravilnika o zasebnosti,↵ nastavite "Prikaži besedilo pravilnika o zasebnosti z obveznim potrditvenim poljem" na "Zložljivo besedilo" in uporabite posebni kodi {STARTPOLICYLINK} in {ENDPOLICYLINK} v polju↵ "Oznaka potrditvenega polja pravilnika o zasebnosti", da določite povezavo, ki odpre pojavno okno pravilnika. Če ne uporabite posebnih kod, bo na voljo dodatek.
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Question id (qid) : '%s' is already in use. | ID vprašanja (qid): '%s' je že v uporabi. | Details | |
Question id (qid) : '%s' is already in use. ID vprašanja (qid): '%s' je že v uporabi.
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Invalid action | Neveljavno dejanje | Details | |
A response was not deleted.|{n} responses were not deleted. | Odziv ni bil izbrisan.|Toliko odzivov ni bilo izbrisanih: {n}. | Details | |
A response was not deleted.|{n} responses were not deleted. Odziv ni bil izbrisan.|Toliko odzivov ni bilo izbrisanih: {n}.
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%s cannot be left empty. | Atributa %s ne morete pustiti praznega. | Details | |
%s cannot be left empty. Atributa %s ne morete pustiti praznega.
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You don't have sufficient permissions to upload images in this survey | Nimate zadostnih dovoljenj za nalaganje slik v to anketo | Details | |
You don't have sufficient permissions to upload images in this survey Nimate zadostnih dovoljenj za nalaganje slik v to anketo
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Current theme options are applied for this survey. | Za to anketo se uporabljajo nastavitve trenutne teme. | Details | |
Current theme options are applied for this survey. Za to anketo se uporabljajo nastavitve trenutne teme.
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Enter a list of response IDs that are to be deleted, separated by comma. | Vnesite seznam ID-jev odzivov, ki jih želite izbrisati, ločenih z vejico. | Details | |
Enter a list of response IDs that are to be deleted, separated by comma. Vnesite seznam ID-jev odzivov, ki jih želite izbrisati, ločenih z vejico.
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You do not have the permission to access this page. | Nimate dovoljenja za dostop do te strani. | Details | |
You do not have the permission to access this page. Nimate dovoljenja za dostop do te strani.
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