Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Please note that if you delete an incomplete response during a running survey, the participant will not be able to complete it. | Imejte v mislih, da če med izvajanjem ankete izbrišete nepopoln odziv, udeleženec ne bo mogel dokončati ankete. | Details | |
Please note that if you delete an incomplete response during a running survey, the participant will not be able to complete it. Imejte v mislih, da če med izvajanjem ankete izbrišete nepopoln odziv, udeleženec ne bo mogel dokončati ankete.
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The data could not be saved because the response does not exist in the database. | Podatkov ni bilo mogoče shraniti, ker odziv ne obstaja v bazi podatkov. | Details | |
The data could not be saved because the response does not exist in the database. Podatkov ni bilo mogoče shraniti, ker odziv ne obstaja v bazi podatkov.
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Error! You do not have the permission to edit this user. | Napaka! Nimate dovoljenja za urejanje tega uporabnika. | Details | |
Error! You do not have the permission to edit this user. Napaka! Nimate dovoljenja za urejanje tega uporabnika.
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Please make sure that your CSV contains the fields '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', and '%s' | Prepričajte se, da datoteka CSV vsebuje polja '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' in '%s' | Details | |
Please make sure that your CSV contains the fields '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', and '%s' Prepričajte se, da datoteka CSV vsebuje polja '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' in '%s'
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Role was successfully imported. | Vloga je bila uspešno uvožena. | Details | |
Role was successfully imported. Vloga je bila uspešno uvožena.
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Survey texts were saved successfully. | Besedila ankete so bila uspešno shranjena. | Details | |
Survey texts were saved successfully. Besedila ankete so bila uspešno shranjena.
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Error saving survey texts | Napaka pri shranjevanju besedil ankete | Details | |
Error saving survey texts Napaka pri shranjevanju besedil ankete
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First name of the participant | Ime udeleženca | Details | |
Last name of the participant | Priimek udeleženca | Details | |
Email address of the participant | Elektronski naslov udeleženca | Details | |
Email address of the participant Elektronski naslov udeleženca
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Error saving privacy policy text | Napaka pri shranjevanju besedila pravilnika o zasebnosti | Details | |
Error saving privacy policy text Napaka pri shranjevanju besedila pravilnika o zasebnosti
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Label set successfully saved. | Nabor oznak je bil uspešno shranjen. | Details | |
Label set successfully saved. Nabor oznak je bil uspešno shranjen.
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Label set successfully updated | Nabor oznak je bil uspešno posodobljen | Details | |
Label set successfully updated Nabor oznak je bil uspešno posodobljen
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Date format | Format datuma | Details | |
Hello World From Global Settings! | Pozdravljen, svet iz splošnih nastavitev. | Details | |
Hello World From Global Settings! Pozdravljen, svet iz splošnih nastavitev.
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