Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
You cannot reload responses because the survey is not activated, yet. | Odzivov ne morete ponovno naložiti, ker anketa še ni aktivirana. | Details | |
You cannot reload responses because the survey is not activated, yet. Odzivov ne morete ponovno naložiti, ker anketa še ni aktivirana.
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Plugin folder does not exist. | Mapa vtičnikov ne obstaja. | Details | |
Plugin folder does not exist. Mapa vtičnikov ne obstaja.
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Could not remove plugin files. | Datotek vtičnikov ni bilo mogoče odstraniti. | Details | |
Could not remove plugin files. Datotek vtičnikov ni bilo mogoče odstraniti.
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Plugin files successfully deleted. | Datoteke vtičnikov so bile uspešno izbrisane. | Details | |
Plugin files successfully deleted. Datoteke vtičnikov so bile uspešno izbrisane.
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You cannot delete yourself or a protected user. | Ne morete izbrisati sebe ali zaščitenega uporabnika. | Details | |
You cannot delete yourself or a protected user. Ne morete izbrisati sebe ali zaščitenega uporabnika.
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No parent group | Ni nadrejene skupine | Details | |
Could not delete Box | Polja ni bilo mogoče izbrisati | Details | |
Failed to edit user group! Group already exists? | Urejanje skupine uporabnikov ni uspelo! Morda skupina že obstaja? | Details | |
Failed to edit user group! Group already exists? Urejanje skupine uporabnikov ni uspelo! Morda skupina že obstaja?
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You don't have permission to edit a user group | Nimate dovoljenja za urejanje uporabniške skupine | Details | |
You don't have permission to edit a user group Nimate dovoljenja za urejanje uporabniške skupine
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User could not be added. | Uporabnika ni bilo mogoče dodati. | Details | |
User could not be added. Uporabnika ni bilo mogoče dodati.
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Unknown user. You have to select a user. | Neznan uporabnik. Izbrati morate uporabnika. | Details | |
Unknown user. You have to select a user. Neznan uporabnik. Izbrati morate uporabnika.
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You do not have permission to send emails to all users. | Nimate dovoljenja za pošiljanje e-pošte vsem uporabnikom. | Details | |
You do not have permission to send emails to all users. Nimate dovoljenja za pošiljanje e-pošte vsem uporabnikom.
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Error: no email has been send. | Napaka: e-pošta ni bila poslana. | Details | |
Error: no email has been send. Napaka: e-pošta ni bila poslana.
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Survey theme options | Nastavitve teme ankete | Details | |
You are not a participant of this survey. | Niste udeleženec te ankete. | Details | |
You are not a participant of this survey. Niste udeleženec te ankete.
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