Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Participant - Access code | Udeleženec - Koda za dostop | Details | |
Participant - First name | Udeleženec - Ime | Details | |
Participant - Opt-out URL | Udeleženec - URL za odjavo | Details | |
Participant - Opt-in URL | Udeleženec - URL za prijavo | Details | |
Participant - Last name | Udeleženec - Priimek | Details | |
Survey administrator - Name | Skrbnik ankete - Ime | Details | |
Survey administrator - Email address | Skrbnik ankete - Elektronski naslov | Details | |
Survey administrator - Email address Skrbnik ankete - Elektronski naslov
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Deleting group texts: %u entries deleted | Brisanje besedil skupin: izbrisanih %u vnosov | Details | |
Deleting group texts: %u entries deleted Brisanje besedil skupin: izbrisanih %u vnosov
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Deleting question texts: %u entries deleted | Brisanje besedil vprašanj: izbrisanih %u vnosov | Details | |
Deleting question texts: %u entries deleted Brisanje besedil vprašanj: izbrisanih %u vnosov
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Deleting answer localizations: %u entries deleted | Brisanje lokalizacij odgovorov: izbrisanih %u vnosov | Details | |
Deleting answer localizations: %u entries deleted Brisanje lokalizacij odgovorov: izbrisanih %u vnosov
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No parent question | Ni nadrejenega vprašanja | Details | |
No parent answer | Ni nadrejenega odgovora | Details | |
You have exceeded the number of maximum access code validation attempts. Please wait %d minutes before trying again. | Presegli ste največje število poskusov preverjanja dostopne kode. Počakajte %d minut, preden poskusite znova. | Details | |
You have exceeded the number of maximum access code validation attempts. Please wait %d minutes before trying again. Presegli ste največje število poskusov preverjanja dostopne kode. Počakajte %d minut, preden poskusite znova.
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You have exceeded the number of maximum access code validation attempts. Please wait %d minutes before trying again. | Presegli ste največje število poskusov preverjanja kode za dostop. Počakajte %d minut, preden poskusite znova. | Details | |
You have exceeded the number of maximum access code validation attempts. Please wait %d minutes before trying again. Presegli ste največje število poskusov preverjanja kode za dostop. Počakajte %d minut, preden poskusite znova.
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Current user | Trenutni uporabnik | Details | |
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