Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
URL parameter saved | URL parameter shranjen | Details | |
Invalid URL parameter | Neveljaven URL parameter | Details | |
Could not save URL parameter | URL parametra ni bilo mogoče shraniti | Details | |
Could not save URL parameter URL parametra ni bilo mogoče shraniti
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URL parameter deleted | URL parameter izbrisan | Details | |
Could not delete URL parameter | URL parametra ni bilo mogoče izbrisati | Details | |
Could not delete URL parameter URL parametra ni bilo mogoče izbrisati
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Saved permissions successfully. | Dovoljenja so bila uspešno shranjena. | Details | |
Saved permissions successfully. Dovoljenja so bila uspešno shranjena.
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Saved template permissions successfully. | Dovoljenja predloge so bila uspešno shranjena. | Details | |
Saved template permissions successfully. Dovoljenja predloge so bila uspešno shranjena.
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Role ID | ID vloge | Details | |
Quota or quota languages could not be updated. | Kvote ali jezikov kvote ni bilo mogoče posodobiti. | Details | |
Quota or quota languages could not be updated. Kvote ali jezikov kvote ni bilo mogoče posodobiti.
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If deleted, all information stored in this attribute field will be lost. | Vse informacije shranjene v tem atributnem polju bodo izgubljene, če ga izbrišete. | Details | |
If deleted, all information stored in this attribute field will be lost. Vse informacije shranjene v tem atributnem polju bodo izgubljene, če ga izbrišete.
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%s users from group were added. | %s uporabnikov iz skupine je bilo dodanih. | Details | |
%s users from group were added. %s uporabnikov iz skupine je bilo dodanih.
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Select all that apply | Izberite vse ustrezne! | Details | |
Select all that apply | Izberite vse, ki ustrezajo | Details | |
Successfully saved permissions for user. | Dovoljenja uporabnika so bila uspešno shranjena. | Details | |
Successfully saved permissions for user. Dovoljenja uporabnika so bila uspešno shranjena.
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Successfully saved permissions for user group. | Dovoljenja skupine uporabnikov so bila uspešno shranjena. | Details | |
Successfully saved permissions for user group. Dovoljenja skupine uporabnikov so bila uspešno shranjena.
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