Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Full name of the new user | Polno ime novega uporabnika | Details | |
Link to create password | Povezava za ustvarjanje gesla | Details | |
Unable to reorder question %s. | Ni mogoče preurediti vprašanja %s. | Details | |
Unable to reorder question %s. Ni mogoče preurediti vprašanja %s.
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Global survey settings were saved. | Globalne nastavitve anket so bile shranjene. | Details | |
Global survey settings were saved. Globalne nastavitve anket so bile shranjene.
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Global survey settings could not be updated, please fix the following error: | Globalnih nastavitev anket ni bilo mogoče posodobiti, prosimo popravite sledečo napako: | Details | |
Global survey settings could not be updated, please fix the following error: Globalnih nastavitev anket ni bilo mogoče posodobiti, prosimo popravite sledečo napako:
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Changes saved successfully. | Spremembe so uspešno shranjene. | Details | |
Changes saved successfully. Spremembe so uspešno shranjene.
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Deleted {n} survey participant.|Deleted {n} survey participants. | Izbrisan {n} udeleženec ankete.|Izbrisanih {n} udeležencev ankete. | Details | |
Deleted {n} survey participant.|Deleted {n} survey participants. Izbrisan {n} udeleženec ankete.|Izbrisanih {n} udeležencev ankete.
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Could not delete survey participants. | Udeležencev ankete ni bilo mogoče izbrisati. | Details | |
Could not delete survey participants. Udeležencev ankete ni bilo mogoče izbrisati.
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Could not delete survey participant. | Udeleženca ankete ni bilo mogoče izbrisati. | Details | |
Could not delete survey participant. Udeleženca ankete ni bilo mogoče izbrisati.
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The survey participant was successfully added. | Udeleženec ankete je bil uspešno dodan. | Details | |
The survey participant was successfully added. Udeleženec ankete je bil uspešno dodan.
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Could not delete assessment rule. | Pravila ocenjevanja ni bilo mogoče izbrisati. | Details | |
Could not delete assessment rule. Pravila ocenjevanja ni bilo mogoče izbrisati.
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Assessment rule successfully added. | Pravilo ocenjevanja je bilo uspešno dodano. | Details | |
Assessment rule successfully added. Pravilo ocenjevanja je bilo uspešno dodano.
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Could not add the assessment rule. | Pravila ocenjevanja ni bilo mogoče dodati. | Details | |
Could not add the assessment rule. Pravila ocenjevanja ni bilo mogoče dodati.
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You have no permission to create assessments | Nimate dovoljenja za ustvarjanje ocen | Details | |
You have no permission to create assessments Nimate dovoljenja za ustvarjanje ocen
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Assessment rule successfully updated. | Pravilo ocenjevanja je bilo uspešno posodobljeno. | Details | |
Assessment rule successfully updated. Pravilo ocenjevanja je bilo uspešno posodobljeno.
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