Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
For more information consult our manual. | Za več informacij glejte naš priročnik. | Details | |
For more information consult our manual. Za več informacij glejte naš priročnik.
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The theme is not compatible with your version of LimeSurvey. | Tema ni združljiva z vašo različico LimeSurvey. | Details | |
The theme is not compatible with your version of LimeSurvey. Tema ni združljiva z vašo različico LimeSurvey.
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Errors | Napake | Details | |
Show errors | Pokaži napake | Details | |
User group not found. | Uporabniške skupine ni mogoče najti. | Details | |
User group not found. Uporabniške skupine ni mogoče najti.
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You do not have permission to access this page/function. | Nimate dovoljenja za dostop do te strani/funkcije. | Details | |
You do not have permission to access this page/function. Nimate dovoljenja za dostop do te strani/funkcije.
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You don't have permission to edit this user group. | Nimate dovoljenja za urejanje te uporabniške skupine. | Details | |
You don't have permission to edit this user group. Nimate dovoljenja za urejanje te uporabniške skupine.
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Unseen or not answered | Ni bilo videno ali brez odgovora | Details | |
Unseen or not answered Ni bilo videno ali brez odgovora
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Unseen | Ni bilo videno | Details | |
If the field is marked as Unseen no value should be set. | Nobene vrednosti ne smete nastaviti, če je polje označeno kot Ni bilo videno. | Details | |
If the field is marked as Unseen no value should be set. Nobene vrednosti ne smete nastaviti, če je polje označeno kot Ni bilo videno.
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Question %s was marked as "Unseen" but a value was provided. The "Unseen" status has been ignored. | Vprašanje %s je bilo označeno kot "Ni bilo videno", vendar ima navedeno vrednost. Status "Ni bilo videno" je bil prezrt. | Details | |
Question %s was marked as "Unseen" but a value was provided. The "Unseen" status has been ignored. Vprašanje %s je bilo označeno kot "Ni bilo videno", vendar ima navedeno vrednost. Status "Ni bilo videno" je bil prezrt.
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Name of the website | Ime spletne strani | Details | |
Name of the administrator | Ime skrbnika | Details | |
Email address of the administrator | Elektronski naslov skrbnika | Details | |
Email address of the administrator Elektronski naslov skrbnika
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Username of the new user | Uporabniško ime novega uporabnika | Details | |
Username of the new user Uporabniško ime novega uporabnika
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