Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Please enter your access code to participate in this survey. | Če želite sodelovati v tej anketi, vnesite kodo za dostop. | Details | |
Please enter your access code to participate in this survey. Če želite sodelovati v tej anketi, vnesite kodo za dostop.
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Enter your first name | Vnesite svoje ime | Details | |
Please fill in the information and we’ll send you a link immediately. | Prosimo, izpolnite podatke, in takoj vam bomo poslali povezavo. | Details | |
Please fill in the information and we’ll send you a link immediately. Prosimo, izpolnite podatke, in takoj vam bomo poslali povezavo.
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You may have to register to take part in this survey. | Za sodelovanje v tej anketi se boste morda morali registrirati. | Details | |
You may have to register to take part in this survey. Za sodelovanje v tej anketi se boste morda morali registrirati.
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You will receive an email shortly. | Kmalu boste prejeli e-pošto. | Details | |
You will receive an email shortly. Kmalu boste prejeli e-pošto.
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Thank you for registering. | Hvala za registracijo. | Details | |
Enter result here - numbers only | Tukaj vnesite rezultat - samo številke | Details | |
Enter result here - numbers only Tukaj vnesite rezultat - samo številke
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Enter your password | Vnesite svoje geslo | Details | |
Enter your name | Vnesite svoje ime | Details | |
Saved name | Shranjeno ime | Details | |
Based on BootsWatch Themes: | Na podlagi tem BootsWatch: | Details | |
Visit Bootswatch page | Obiščite stran Bootswatch | Details | |
Our default theme for a fruity and flexible use. This theme offers single color variations | Naša privzeta tema za sadno in prilagodljivo uporabo. Ta tema ponuja enobarvne različice | Details | |
Our default theme for a fruity and flexible use. This theme offers single color variations Naša privzeta tema za sadno in prilagodljivo uporabo. Ta tema ponuja enobarvne različice
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Thank you. | Hvala. | Details | |
Custom theme options set for this theme have been reset to the default. | Možnosti po meri, nastavljene za to temo, so bile ponastavljene na privzete. | Details | |
Custom theme options set for this theme have been reset to the default. Možnosti po meri, nastavljene za to temo, so bile ponastavljene na privzete.
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