Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
%sQuestions%s, %sgroups%s and %ssettings%s can be %sedited%s again. | %sVprašanja%s, %sskupine%s in %snastavitve%s je možno ponovno %surejati%s. | Details | |
%sQuestions%s, %sgroups%s and %ssettings%s can be %sedited%s again. %sVprašanja%s, %sskupine%s in %snastavitve%s je možno ponovno %surejati%s.
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%sCannot%s be %saccessed%s by %sparticipants%s. A message will be displayed stating that the survey has been closed. | %sUdeležencem%s bo %sonemogočen%s %sdostop%s. Prikazano bo sporočilo, da je anketa zaključena. | Details | |
%sCannot%s be %saccessed%s by %sparticipants%s. A message will be displayed stating that the survey has been closed. %sUdeležencem%s bo %sonemogočen%s %sdostop%s. Prikazano bo sporočilo, da je anketa zaključena.
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The %sability%s to %schange questions%s, groups and settings is %slimited%s. A message will be displayed stating that the survey has expired. | %sMožnost%s za %sspreminjanje vprašanj%s, skupin in nastavitev bo %somejena%s. Prikazano bo sporočilo, da je anketa potekla. | Details | |
The %sability%s to %schange questions%s, groups and settings is %slimited%s. A message will be displayed stating that the survey has expired. %sMožnost%s za %sspreminjanje vprašanj%s, skupin in nastavitev bo %somejena%s. Prikazano bo sporočilo, da je anketa potekla.
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%sCannot%s be %saccessed%s by %sparticipants%s anymore. | %sUdeležencem%s bo %sdostop%s %sonemogočen%s. | Details | |
%sCannot%s be %saccessed%s by %sparticipants%s anymore. %sUdeležencem%s bo %sdostop%s %sonemogočen%s.
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Responses & participant information %swill be kept.%s | Odzivi & informacije o udeležencih %sbodo ohranjene.%s | Details | |
Responses & participant information %swill be kept.%s Odzivi & informacije o udeležencih %sbodo ohranjene.%s
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There are two ways to stop a survey. Please decide below: | Anketo lahko ustavite na dva načina. Odločite se spodaj: | Details | |
There are two ways to stop a survey. Please decide below: Anketo lahko ustavite na dva načina. Odločite se spodaj:
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You want to stop your survey | Želite ustaviti anketo | Details | |
Save and activate | Shrani in aktiviraj | Details | |
See all responses and statistics | Oglejte si vse odzive in statistične podatke | Details | |
See all responses and statistics Oglejte si vse odzive in statistične podatke
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Statistics and responses are now accessible. | Statistični podatki in odgovori so zdaj dostopni. | Details | |
Statistics and responses are now accessible. Statistični podatki in odgovori so zdaj dostopni.
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Sharing options | Možnosti skupne rabe | Details | |
Want to share your survey right away? | Želite takoj deliti svojo anketo? | Details | |
Want to share your survey right away? Želite takoj deliti svojo anketo?
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Congrats! Your survey has been activated. | Čestitke! Vaša anketa je aktivirana. | Details | |
Congrats! Your survey has been activated. Čestitke! Vaša anketa je aktivirana.
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Overview questions & groups | Pregled vprašanj in skupin | Details | |
Enter access code | Vnesite kodo za dostop | Details | |
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