Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
The question theme is not compatible with your version of LimeSurvey. | Tema vprašanja ni združljiva z vašo različico aplikacije LimeSurvey. | Details | |
The question theme is not compatible with your version of LimeSurvey. Tema vprašanja ni združljiva z vašo različico aplikacije LimeSurvey.
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The current password is not correct. | Trenutno geslo ni pravilno. | Details | |
The current password is not correct. Trenutno geslo ni pravilno.
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%sWarning:%s Before turning on HTTPS,%s check this link.%s | %sOpozorilo:%s preden vklopite HTTPS,%s preverite to povezavo.%s | Details | |
%sWarning:%s Before turning on HTTPS,%s check this link.%s %sOpozorilo:%s preden vklopite HTTPS,%s preverite to povezavo.%s
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List of IP addresses to exclude from the maximum token validation attempts check. Separate each IP address with a comma or a new line. | Seznam naslovov IP, ki jih je treba izključiti iz preverjanja največjega števila poskusov potrjevanja žetona. Ločite vsak naslov IP z vejico ali novo vrstico. | Details | |
List of IP addresses to exclude from the maximum token validation attempts check. Separate each IP address with a comma or a new line. Seznam naslovov IP, ki jih je treba izključiti iz preverjanja največjega števila poskusov potrjevanja žetona. Ločite vsak naslov IP z vejico ali novo vrstico.
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List of IP addresses to exclude from the maximum login attempts check. Separate each IP address with a comma or a new line. | Seznam naslovov IP, ki jih je treba izključiti iz preverjanja največjega dovoljenega števila poskusov prijave. Ločite vsak naslov IP z vejico ali novo vrstico. | Details | |
List of IP addresses to exclude from the maximum login attempts check. Separate each IP address with a comma or a new line. Seznam naslovov IP, ki jih je treba izključiti iz preverjanja največjega dovoljenega števila poskusov prijave. Ločite vsak naslov IP z vejico ali novo vrstico.
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Note: This question uses a customized condition. If you create a condition using this editor the current customized condition will be overwritten. | Opomba: to vprašanje uporablja pogoj po meri. Če ustvarite pogoj s tem urejevalnikom, bo trenutni pogoj po meri prepisan. | Details | |
Note: This question uses a customized condition. If you create a condition using this editor the current customized condition will be overwritten. Opomba: to vprašanje uporablja pogoj po meri. Če ustvarite pogoj s tem urejevalnikom, bo trenutni pogoj po meri prepisan.
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No file was uploaded or the request exceeded %01.2f MB. | Datoteka ni bila naložena ali pa je zahteva presegla %01.2f MB. | Details | |
No file was uploaded or the request exceeded %01.2f MB. Datoteka ni bila naložena ali pa je zahteva presegla %01.2f MB.
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Note: If you customize & save this condition you will not be able to use the condition editor for this, anymore. | Opomba: če prilagodite in shranite ta pogoj, zanj ne boste mogli več uporabljati urejevalnika pogojev. | Details | |
Note: If you customize & save this condition you will not be able to use the condition editor for this, anymore. Opomba: če prilagodite in shranite ta pogoj, zanj ne boste mogli več uporabljati urejevalnika pogojev.
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Warning! Invalid IP addresses have been excluded from '%s' setting. | Opozorilo! Neveljavni naslovi IP so bili izključeni iz nastavitve »%s«. | Details | |
Warning! Invalid IP addresses have been excluded from '%s' setting. Opozorilo! Neveljavni naslovi IP so bili izključeni iz nastavitve »%s«.
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If you set a password here, no email will be sent to the new user. | Če tukaj nastavite geslo, novemu uporabniku ne bomo poslali nobenega e-poštnega sporočila. | Details | |
If you set a password here, no email will be sent to the new user. Če tukaj nastavite geslo, novemu uporabniku ne bomo poslali nobenega e-poštnega sporočila.
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An email with a generated link was sent to the user. | Uporabniku je bilo poslano e-poštno sporočilo z ustvarjeno povezavo. | Details | |
An email with a generated link was sent to the user. Uporabniku je bilo poslano e-poštno sporočilo z ustvarjeno povezavo.
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Password cannot be blank and must fulfill minimum requirements: %s | Polje za geslo ne sme biti prazno in mora izpolnjevati minimalne zahteve: %s | Details | |
Password cannot be blank and must fulfill minimum requirements: %s Polje za geslo ne sme biti prazno in mora izpolnjevati minimalne zahteve: %s
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Please be aware that tables including encryption should not be restored if they have been created in LimeSurvey 4 before version 4.6.1 | Upoštevajte, da tabel, vključno s šifriranjem, ne smete obnoviti, če so bile ustvarjene z orodjem LimeSurvey 4 pred različico 4.6.1 | Details | |
Please be aware that tables including encryption should not be restored if they have been created in LimeSurvey 4 before version 4.6.1 Upoštevajte, da tabel, vključno s šifriranjem, ne smete obnoviti, če so bile ustvarjene z orodjem LimeSurvey 4 pred različico 4.6.1
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The following surveys have an erroneous question order. That could lead to errors during the design and/or processing of the survey. Please go to each question and group respectively, check the question order and save it. | Naslednje ankete imajo napačen vrstni red vprašanj. To bi lahko privedlo do napak pri oblikovanju in/ali obdelavi ankete. Pojdite na vsako vprašanje oziroma skupino, preverite vrstni red vprašanja in ga shranite. | Details | |
The following surveys have an erroneous question order. That could lead to errors during the design and/or processing of the survey. Please go to each question and group respectively, check the question order and save it. Naslednje ankete imajo napačen vrstni red vprašanj. To bi lahko privedlo do napak pri oblikovanju in/ali obdelavi ankete. Pojdite na vsako vprašanje oziroma skupino, preverite vrstni red vprašanja in ga shranite.
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