Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
There has to be at least one language. | Biti mora vsaj en jezik. | Details | |
There has to be at least one language. Biti mora vsaj en jezik.
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Language successfully deleted | Jezik uspešno odstranjen | Details | |
Attribute successfully updated | Atribut uspešno posodobljen | Details | |
Attribute successfully updated Atribut uspešno posodobljen
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Select language to add | Izberi jezik, ki naj se doda | Details | |
Participant successfully added | Udeleženec uspešno dodan | Details | |
Participant successfully added Udeleženec uspešno dodan
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Participant successfully updated | Udeleženec uspešno posodobljen | Details | |
Participant successfully updated Udeleženec uspešno posodobljen
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Participant deleted | Udeleženec izbrisan | Details | |
No participants deleted | Noben udeleženec ni bil izbrisan | Details | |
No participants deleted Noben udeleženec ni bil izbrisan
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Successful login | Uspešna prijava | Details | |
We are sorry but the survey is expired and no longer available. | Oprostite, ampak anketa je potekla in ni več na voljo. | Details | |
We are sorry but the survey is expired and no longer available. Oprostite, ampak anketa je potekla in ni več na voljo.
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Your new survey was created. | Tvoja nova anketa je kreirana | Details | |
Your new survey was created. Tvoja nova anketa je kreirana
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Your browser screen size is too small to use the administration properly. The minimum size required is 1280*1024 px. | Velikost zaslona v vašem brskalniku je premajhna, da bi lahko pravilno uporabljali administracijo. Najmanjša zahtevana velikost je 1280x1024 pik. | Details | |
Your browser screen size is too small to use the administration properly. The minimum size required is 1280*1024 px. Velikost zaslona v vašem brskalniku je premajhna, da bi lahko pravilno uporabljali administracijo. Najmanjša zahtevana velikost je 1280x1024 pik.
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Buy a new key | Kupi nov ključ | Details | |
Seed | Seme | Details | |
Status: | Status: | Details | |
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