Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Modify | Spremeni | Details | |
Depending on the number of uploaded files, this might take some time. | Glede na število naloženih datotek postopek lahko traja nekaj časa. | Details | |
Depending on the number of uploaded files, this might take some time. Glede na število naloženih datotek postopek lahko traja nekaj časa.
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Storage | Shranjevanje | Details | |
After confirmation you won't receive any invitations or reminders for this survey anymore. | Po potrditvi ne boste več prejemali povabil ali opomnikov za to anketo. | Details | |
After confirmation you won't receive any invitations or reminders for this survey anymore. Po potrditvi ne boste več prejemali povabil ali opomnikov za to anketo.
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Please confirm that you want to opt out of this survey by clicking the button below. | S klikom spodnjega gumba potrdite, da želite zavrniti sodelovanje v tej anketi. | Details | |
Please confirm that you want to opt out of this survey by clicking the button below. S klikom spodnjega gumba potrdite, da želite zavrniti sodelovanje v tej anketi.
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Survey display mode is set to %s: | Način prikaza ankete je nastavljen na %s: | Details | |
Survey display mode is set to %s: Način prikaza ankete je nastavljen na %s:
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PHP imap library | PHP imap knjižnjica | Details | |
PHP zip library | PHP zip knjižnjica | Details | |
PHP LDAP library | PHP LDAP knjižnjica | Details | |
PHP GD library | PHP GD knjižnjica | Details | |
PHP zlib library | PHP zlib knjižnjica | Details | |
Edit theme permissions for user %s | Uredi dovoljenja predloge za uporabnika %s | Details | |
Edit theme permissions for user %s Uredi dovoljenja predloge za uporabnika %s
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Please solve the following equation: | Prosim reši naslednjo enačbo: | Details | |
Please solve the following equation: Prosim reši naslednjo enačbo:
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Survey not found | Anketa ni bila najdena | Details | |
Group not found | Skupina ni bila najdena | Details | |
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