Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Reverse the slider direction | Obrnite smer drsnika | Details | |
Reverses the slider direction and repositions the min/max text accordingly. | Obrne smer drsnika in ustrezno premakne besedilo min/maks. | Details | |
Reverses the slider direction and repositions the min/max text accordingly. Obrne smer drsnika in ustrezno premakne besedilo min/maks.
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Set the size of the input or textarea. The input will be displayed approximately this size in width. | Nastavite velikost vnosa ali besedilnega območja. Polje za vnos bo v širino prikazano s približno to velikostjo. | Details | |
Set the size of the input or textarea. The input will be displayed approximately this size in width. Nastavite velikost vnosa ali besedilnega območja. Polje za vnos bo v širino prikazano s približno to velikostjo.
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Add additional CSS class(es) for this question. Use a space between multiple CSS class names. You may use expressions - remember this part is static. | Dodajte dodatne razrede CSS za to vprašanje. Uporabite prostor med več imeni razredov CSS. Lahko uporabljate izraze – ne pozabite, da je ta del statičen. | Details | |
Add additional CSS class(es) for this question. Use a space between multiple CSS class names. You may use expressions - remember this part is static. Dodajte dodatne razrede CSS za to vprašanje. Uporabite prostor med več imeni razredov CSS. Lahko uporabljate izraze – ne pozabite, da je ta del statičen.
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This is an error message example | To je primer sporočila o napaki | Details | |
This is an error message example To je primer sporočila o napaki
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You got {TOTAL} points out of 3 possible points. | Od 3 možnih točk ste dobili toliko točk: {TOTAL}. | Details | |
You got {TOTAL} points out of 3 possible points. Od 3 možnih točk ste dobili toliko točk: {TOTAL}.
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You can't delete template '%s' because one or more templates inherit from it. | Predloge »%s« ne morete izbrisati, ker od nje deduje ena ali več predlog. | Details | |
You can't delete template '%s' because one or more templates inherit from it. Predloge »%s« ne morete izbrisati, ker od nje deduje ena ali več predlog.
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This feature is only available for MySQL databases. Your database type is %s. | Ta funkcija je na voljo samo za baze podatkov MySQL. Vrsta vaše baze podatkov je %s. | Details | |
This feature is only available for MySQL databases. Your database type is %s. Ta funkcija je na voljo samo za baze podatkov MySQL. Vrsta vaše baze podatkov je %s.
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Something went wrong! Are the survey menus properly restored? | Prišlo je do napake. Ali so meniji ankete pravilno obnovljeni? | Details | |
Something went wrong! Are the survey menus properly restored? Prišlo je do napake. Ali so meniji ankete pravilno obnovljeni?
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You don't have the right to restore the settings to default | Nimate pravice za obnovitev privzetih nastavitev | Details | |
You don't have the right to restore the settings to default Nimate pravice za obnovitev privzetih nastavitev
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Something went wrong! | Prišlo je do napake. | Details | |
Error when saving %s for plugin %s | Napaka pri shranjevanju %s za vtičnik %s | Details | |
Error when saving %s for plugin %s Napaka pri shranjevanju %s za vtičnik %s
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Kirundi | Kirundiščina | Details | |
Plugin %s didn't exist, settings not imported | Vtičnik %s ni obstajal – nastavitve niso uvožene | Details | |
Plugin %s didn't exist, settings not imported Vtičnik %s ni obstajal – nastavitve niso uvožene
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Error: Cannot purge files for a survey that is not deleted. Please delete the survey normally in the survey view. | Napaka: datotek za anketo, ki ni izbrisana, ni mogoče počistiti. Izbrišite anketo kot običajno v pogledu ankete. | Details | |
Error: Cannot purge files for a survey that is not deleted. Please delete the survey normally in the survey view. Napaka: datotek za anketo, ki ni izbrisana, ni mogoče počistiti. Izbrišite anketo kot običajno v pogledu ankete.
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