Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
When using slider initial value set this value at survey start. | Pri uporabi začetne vrednosti drsnika nastavite to vrednost na začetku ankete. | Details | |
When using slider initial value set this value at survey start. Pri uporabi začetne vrednosti drsnika nastavite to vrednost na začetku ankete.
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Please type in a code that consists only of letters and numbers, and doesn't start with a number. | Vnesite kodo, ki je sestavljena samo iz črk in številk ter se ne začne s številko. | Details | |
Please type in a code that consists only of letters and numbers, and doesn't start with a number. Vnesite kodo, ki je sestavljena samo iz črk in številk ter se ne začne s številko.
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This code is also the name of the variable that will be exported to SPSS or Excel. | Ta koda je tudi ime spremenljivke, ki bo izvožena v datoteko SPSS ali Excel. | Details | |
This code is also the name of the variable that will be exported to SPSS or Excel. Ta koda je tudi ime spremenljivke, ki bo izvožena v datoteko SPSS ali Excel.
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This code is normally not shown to your participants, still it is necessary and has to be unique for the survey. | Ta koda običajno ni prikazana vašim udeležencem, vendar je kljub temu obvezna in mora biti edinstvena za anketo. | Details | |
This code is normally not shown to your participants, still it is necessary and has to be unique for the survey. Ta koda običajno ni prikazana vašim udeležencem, vendar je kljub temu obvezna in mora biti edinstvena za anketo.
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Please be careful - if you delete default entries you may not be able access some parts of the application. | Bodite previdni – če izbrišete privzete vnose, morda ne boste mogli dostopati do nekaterih delov aplikacije. | Details | |
Please be careful - if you delete default entries you may not be able access some parts of the application. Bodite previdni – če izbrišete privzete vnose, morda ne boste mogli dostopati do nekaterih delov aplikacije.
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If you want to modify it %s you can extend it%s. | Če jo želite spremeniti, %s jo lahko razširite%s. | Details | |
If you want to modify it %s you can extend it%s. Če jo želite spremeniti, %s jo lahko razširite%s.
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Copy to local theme and save changes | Kopiraj v lokalno temo in shrani spremembe | Details | |
Copy to local theme and save changes Kopiraj v lokalno temo in shrani spremembe
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Viewing file '%s' | Prikaz datoteke »%s« | Details | |
We can not guarantee optimum operation. It would be preferable to no longer use it or to make it compatible with the version %s of the LimeSurvey API. | Ne moremo zagotoviti optimalnega delovanja. Zaželeno bi bilo, da je ne uporabljate več ali da ta postane združljiva z različico %s API-ja LimeSurvey. | Details | |
We can not guarantee optimum operation. It would be preferable to no longer use it or to make it compatible with the version %s of the LimeSurvey API. Ne moremo zagotoviti optimalnega delovanja. Zaželeno bi bilo, da je ne uporabljate več ali da ta postane združljiva z različico %s API-ja LimeSurvey.
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Extend | Razširi | Details | |
extends_ | razširi_ | Details | |
Four | Štiri | Details | |
Folder | Mapa | Details | |
Extends | Razširitve | Details | |
Menu class? | Razred menija? | Details | |
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