Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Just click on this button and a new window will open, where you can test run your survey. | Preprosto kliknite ta gumb in odprlo se bo novo okno, kjer lahko preizkusite delovanje ankete. | Details | |
Just click on this button and a new window will open, where you can test run your survey. Preprosto kliknite ta gumb in odprlo se bo novo okno, kjer lahko preizkusite delovanje ankete.
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Now that we've got some subquestions, we have to add answer options as well. | Zdaj, ko imate nekaj podvprašanj, morate dodati tudi možnosti odgovorov. | Details | |
Now that we've got some subquestions, we have to add answer options as well. Zdaj, ko imate nekaj podvprašanj, morate dodati tudi možnosti odgovorov.
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You may save empty subquestions, but that would be pointless. | Lahko shranite prazna podvprašanja, vendar je to nesmiselno. | Details | |
You may save empty subquestions, but that would be pointless. Lahko shranite prazna podvprašanja, vendar je to nesmiselno.
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Click on the 'Edit subquestions' button. | Kliknite gumb »Uredi podvprašanja«. | Details | |
Click on the 'Edit subquestions' button. Kliknite gumb »Uredi podvprašanja«.
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To fully use it, you have to add subquestions as well as answer options. | Da ga v celoti izkoristite, morate dodati podvprašanja in možnosti odgovorov. | Details | |
To fully use it, you have to add subquestions as well as answer options. Da ga v celoti izkoristite, morate dodati podvprašanja in možnosti odgovorov.
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The array question is a type that creates a matrix for the participant. | Matrično vprašanje je vrsta vprašanja, ki za udeleženca ustvari matriko. | Details | |
The array question is a type that creates a matrix for the participant. Matrično vprašanje je vrsta vprašanja, ki za udeleženca ustvari matriko.
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LimeSurvey offers you a lot of different question types. | Orodje LimeSurvey vam ponuja veliko različnih vrst vprašanj. | Details | |
LimeSurvey offers you a lot of different question types. Orodje LimeSurvey vam ponuja veliko različnih vrst vprašanj.
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Now when you are finished click on 'Save and add question'. | Zdaj, ko ste zaključili, kliknite možnost »Shrani in dodaj vprašanje«. | Details | |
Now when you are finished click on 'Save and add question'. Zdaj, ko ste zaključili, kliknite možnost »Shrani in dodaj vprašanje«.
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In LimeSurvey a survey is organized in groups and questions. To begin creating questions, we first need a question group. | Orodje LimeSurvey anketo organizira v skupine in po vprašanjih. Če želite začeti z ustvarjanjem vprašanj, morate najprej ustvariti skupino vprašanj. | Details | |
In LimeSurvey a survey is organized in groups and questions. To begin creating questions, we first need a question group. Orodje LimeSurvey anketo organizira v skupine in po vprašanjih. Če želite začeti z ustvarjanjem vprašanj, morate najprej ustvariti skupino vprašanj.
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This is the top bar. | To je zgornja vrstica. | Details | |
All important settings can be reached in this sidebar. | V tej stranski vrstici lahko dostopate do vseh pomembnih nastavitev. | Details | |
All important settings can be reached in this sidebar. V tej stranski vrstici lahko dostopate do vseh pomembnih nastavitev.
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Your participants will see this title in the browser's title bar and on the welcome screen. | Udeleženci bodo videli ta naslov v naslovni vrstici brskalnika in na pozdravnem zaslonu. | Details | |
Your participants will see this title in the browser's title bar and on the welcome screen. Udeleženci bodo videli ta naslov v naslovni vrstici brskalnika in na pozdravnem zaslonu.
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From left to right it should be 'Create survey', 'List surveys' and 'Global settings'. Best we start by creating a survey. | Od leve proti desni so možnosti »Ustvari anketo«, »Seznam anket« in »Splošne nastavitve«. Najbolje, da začnemo z izdelavo ankete. | Details | |
From left to right it should be 'Create survey', 'List surveys' and 'Global settings'. Best we start by creating a survey. Od leve proti desni so možnosti »Ustvari anketo«, »Seznam anket« in »Splošne nastavitve«. Najbolje, da začnemo z izdelavo ankete.
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The three top boxes are the most basic functions of LimeSurvey. | Zgornja tri polja so najosnovnejše funkcije orodja LimeSurvey. | Details | |
The three top boxes are the most basic functions of LimeSurvey. Zgornja tri polja so najosnovnejše funkcije orodja LimeSurvey.
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We would like to help you with a quick tour of the most essential functions and features. | Želimo vam pomagati s hitro predstavitvijo najpomembnejših funkcij in lastnosti. | Details | |
We would like to help you with a quick tour of the most essential functions and features. Želimo vam pomagati s hitro predstavitvijo najpomembnejših funkcij in lastnosti.
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