Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
What good would your survey be without questions? | Kakšno korist bi imeli od ankete brez vprašanj? | Details | |
What good would your survey be without questions? Kakšno korist bi imeli od ankete brez vprašanj?
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This message is shown at the end of your survey to every participant. It's a great way to say thank you or give some links or hints where to go next. | To sporočilo je prikazano vsakemu udeležencu na koncu ankete in je odličen način, da se zahvalite ali posredujete nekaj povezav ali namigov za nadaljevanje. | Details | |
This message is shown at the end of your survey to every participant. It's a great way to say thank you or give some links or hints where to go next. To sporočilo je prikazano vsakemu udeležencu na koncu ankete in je odličen način, da se zahvalite ali posredujete nekaj povezav ali namigov za nadaljevanje.
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Just share this link with some of your friends and of course, test it yourself. | To povezavo preprosto delite s svojimi prijatelji, seveda pa jo lahko preizkusite tudi sami. | Details | |
Just share this link with some of your friends and of course, test it yourself. To povezavo preprosto delite s svojimi prijatelji, seveda pa jo lahko preizkusite tudi sami.
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Click on 'No, thanks' | Kliknite »Ne, hvala« | Details | |
For more information please consult our manual or our forum. | Več informacij najdete v našem priročniku ali našem forumu. | Details | |
For more information please consult our manual or our forum. Več informacij najdete v našem priročniku ali našem forumu.
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The closed access mode needs a participant list, which you may create by clicking on the menu entry 'Participants'. | Način z zaprtim dostopom potrebuje seznam udeležencev, ki ga lahko ustvarite s klikom vnosa menija »Udeleženci«. | Details | |
The closed access mode needs a participant list, which you may create by clicking on the menu entry 'Participants'. Način z zaprtim dostopom potrebuje seznam udeležencev, ki ga lahko ustvarite s klikom vnosa menija »Udeleženci«.
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For our simple survey it is better to start in open access mode. | V primeru preproste ankete je bolje začeti v načinu z odprtim dostopom. | Details | |
For our simple survey it is better to start in open access mode. V primeru preproste ankete je bolje začeti v načinu z odprtim dostopom.
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Here you can select to start your survey in closed access mode. | Tukaj lahko izberete, da začnete anketo v načinu z zaprtim dostopom. | Details | |
Here you can select to start your survey in closed access mode. Tukaj lahko izberete, da začnete anketo v načinu z zaprtim dostopom.
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Now click on "Save & activate survey" | Zdaj kliknite možnost »Shrani in aktiviraj anketo« | Details | |
Now click on "Save & activate survey" Zdaj kliknite možnost »Shrani in aktiviraj anketo«
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For more information consult our manual, or our forums. | Za več informacij preberite naš priročnik ali obiščite naše forume. | Details | |
For more information consult our manual, or our forums. Za več informacij preberite naš priročnik ali obiščite naše forume.
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For this simple survey the default settings are ok, but read the disclaimer carefully when you activate your own surveys. | Za to preprosto anketo so privzete nastavitve v redu, vendar natančno preberite izjavo o omejitvi odgovornosti, ko aktivirate lastne ankete. | Details | |
For this simple survey the default settings are ok, but read the disclaimer carefully when you activate your own surveys. Za to preprosto anketo so privzete nastavitve v redu, vendar natančno preberite izjavo o omejitvi odgovornosti, ko aktivirate lastne ankete.
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You can create as many surveys as you like. | Ustvarite lahko toliko anket, kot želite. | Details | |
You can create as many surveys as you like. Ustvarite lahko toliko anket, kot želite.
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Click on the name of your survey to get back to the survey settings overview. | Kliknite ime ankete, da se vrnete na pregled nastavitev ankete. | Details | |
Click on the name of your survey to get back to the survey settings overview. Kliknite ime ankete, da se vrnete na pregled nastavitev ankete.
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Click on 'Preview survey' and return to this window when you are done testing. | Ko zaključite preizkušanje, kliknite »Predogled ankete« in se vrnite v to okno. | Details | |
Click on 'Preview survey' and return to this window when you are done testing. Ko zaključite preizkušanje, kliknite »Predogled ankete« in se vrnite v to okno.
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Please be aware that your answers will not be saved, because the survey isn't active yet. | Upoštevajte, da vaši odgovori ne bodo shranjeni, ker anketa še ni aktivna. | Details | |
Please be aware that your answers will not be saved, because the survey isn't active yet. Upoštevajte, da vaši odgovori ne bodo shranjeni, ker anketa še ni aktivna.
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