Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Add/edit resources (files/images) for this survey | Dodajanje/urejanje virov (datotek/slik) za to anketo | Details | |
Add/edit resources (files/images) for this survey Dodajanje/urejanje virov (datotek/slik) za to anketo
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Open the general survey overview | Odpri splošni pregled ankete | Details | |
Open the general survey overview Odpri splošni pregled ankete
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Beginner tour | Predstavitev za začetnike | Details | |
Quick menu | Hitri meni | Details | |
Define panel integrations for your survey | Določite integracije panelov za anketo | Details | |
Define panel integrations for your survey Določite integracije panelov za anketo
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Edit the templates for invitation, reminder and registration emails | Uredite predloge za vabila, opomnike in e-poštna sporočila za registracijo | Details | |
Edit the templates for invitation, reminder and registration emails Uredite predloge za vabila, opomnike in e-poštna sporočila za registracijo
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Let's have a look at your first survey. | Oglejmo si vašo prvo anketo. | Details | |
Let's have a look at your first survey. Oglejmo si vašo prvo anketo.
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Error! You cannot uninstall the default template. | Napaka! Privzete predloge ni mogoče odstraniti. | Details | |
Error! You cannot uninstall the default template. Napaka! Privzete predloge ni mogoče odstraniti.
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This survey allows public registration. A survey participants table must also be created. | Ta anketa omogoča javno registracijo. Ustvariti morate tudi tabelo z udeleženci ankete. | Details | |
This survey allows public registration. A survey participants table must also be created. Ta anketa omogoča javno registracijo. Ustvariti morate tudi tabelo z udeleženci ankete.
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You have to pair it with one attribute of the survey participants table | Povezati ga morate z enim atributom tabele udeležencev ankete | Details | |
You have to pair it with one attribute of the survey participants table Povezati ga morate z enim atributom tabele udeležencev ankete
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Default survey theme %s is not installed. Now %s is the new default survey theme | Privzeta tema ankete %s ni nameščena. Zdaj je nova privzeta tema ankete %s | Details | |
Default survey theme %s is not installed. Now %s is the new default survey theme Privzeta tema ankete %s ni nameščena. Zdaj je nova privzeta tema ankete %s
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Tutorials | Vadnice | Details | |
JS-Debug mode [Frontend]: | Način JS-Debug [čelni del]: | Details | |
JS-Debug mode [Backend]: | Način JS-Debug [zaledni del]: | Details | |
They represent an easy way to get back to any previous setting, and provide a general overview of where you are. | Predstavljajo enostaven način za vrnitev na prejšnje nastavitve in zagotavljajo splošen pregled nad tem, kje se nahajate. | Details | |
They represent an easy way to get back to any previous setting, and provide a general overview of where you are. Predstavljajo enostaven način za vrnitev na prejšnje nastavitve in zagotavljajo splošen pregled nad tem, kje se nahajate.
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