Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Background image file | Datoteka s sliko ozadja | Details | |
Background image | Slika ozadja | Details | |
Font color | Barva pisave | Details | |
Background color | Barva ozadja | Details | |
Inherit: | Podeduj: | Details | |
Local Server | Lokalni strežnik | Details | |
The following surveys have an errorneous question group order. Please go to each survey respectively, check the group order and save it. | Naslednje ankete imajo napačen vrstni red skupine vprašanj. Pojdite na vsako anketo posebej, preverite vrstni red skupine in ga shranite. | Details | |
The following surveys have an errorneous question group order. Please go to each survey respectively, check the group order and save it. Naslednje ankete imajo napačen vrstni red skupine vprašanj. Pojdite na vsako anketo posebej, preverite vrstni red skupine in ga shranite.
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To continue please first accept our survey privacy policy. | Če želite nadaljevati, najprej sprejmite naš pravilnik o zasebnosti anket. | Details | |
To continue please first accept our survey privacy policy. Če želite nadaljevati, najprej sprejmite naš pravilnik o zasebnosti anket.
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Don't show | Ne prikaži | Details | |
Myanmar (Burmese) | Mjanmarščina (burmanščina) | Details | |
Further settings for application administrator | Dodatne nastavitve za skrbnika aplikacije | Details | |
Further settings for application administrator Dodatne nastavitve za skrbnika aplikacije
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Export responses as: | Izvozi odgovore kot: | Details | |
Export questions as: | Izvozi vprašanja kot: | Details | |
This invitation has no uses left. | To povabilo ne more biti več uporabljeno. | Details | |
This invitation has no uses left. To povabilo ne more biti več uporabljeno.
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Sort order | Vrstni red razvrščanja. | Details | |
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