Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
The condition could not be updated! It did not include the question and/or answer upon which the condition was based. Please ensure you have selected a question and an answer. | Pogoja ni bilo mogoče posodobiti. Vprašanje in/ali odgovor, na katerem je temeljil pogoj, nista bila vključena. Prepričajte se, da ste izbrali vprašanje in odgovor. | Details | |
The condition could not be updated! It did not include the question and/or answer upon which the condition was based. Please ensure you have selected a question and an answer. Pogoja ni bilo mogoče posodobiti. Vprašanje in/ali odgovor, na katerem je temeljil pogoj, nista bila vključena. Prepričajte se, da ste izbrali vprašanje in odgovor.
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Date %s is invalid, please review your answer. | Datum %s ni veljaven. Preglejte odgovor. | Details | |
Date %s is invalid, please review your answer. Datum %s ni veljaven. Preglejte odgovor.
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Unkown | Neznano | Details | |
Open imported theme | Odpri uvoženo temo | Details | |
Type in the new name to extend %s | Vnesite novo ime za razširitev %s | Details | |
Type in the new name to extend %s Vnesite novo ime za razširitev %s
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Usage of processString without a string in your template | Uporaba procesnega niza brez niza v vaši predlogi | Details | |
Usage of processString without a string in your template Uporaba procesnega niza brez niza v vaši predlogi
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Logo file | Datoteka z logotipom | Details | |
There is 1 question in this survey. | Anketa je sestavljena iz 1 vprašanj/a | Details | |
There is 1 question in this survey. Anketa je sestavljena iz 1 vprašanj/a
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Fruity variations | Sadne različice | Details | |
Fruity fonts | Sadne pisave | Details | |
Radio button animation | Animacija izbirnega gumba | Details | |
Animate radio buttons | Animirani izbirni gumbi | Details | |
Animate alert | Animirano opozorilo | Details | |
Brandlogo file | Datoteka z logotipom blagovne znamke | Details | |
Brandlogo | Logotip blagovne znamke | Details | |
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