Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
It will also contain the necessary stylesheets to put it up on any HTML-ready devices or browsers. | Vsebovala bo tudi potrebne slogovne liste za objavo na napravah ali brskalnikih, pripravljenih za HTML. | Details | |
It will also contain the necessary stylesheets to put it up on any HTML-ready devices or browsers. Vsebovala bo tudi potrebne slogovne liste za objavo na napravah ali brskalnikih, pripravljenih za HTML.
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This will download a .zip file containing the survey in all languages. | S tem boste prenesli datoteko .zip, ki vsebuje anketo v vseh jezikih. | Details | |
This will download a .zip file containing the survey in all languages. S tem boste prenesli datoteko .zip, ki vsebuje anketo v vseh jezikih.
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Check out the dedicated documentation for this format. | Preberite dokument, ki obravnava to obliko. | Details | |
Check out the dedicated documentation for this format. Preberite dokument, ki obravnava to obliko.
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It completely eliminates the dependence upon SGQA codes. | V celoti odpravi odvisnost od kod SGQA. | Details | |
It completely eliminates the dependence upon SGQA codes. V celoti odpravi odvisnost od kod SGQA.
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This feature is designed to make it easy to use Excel to author and edit surveys. | Ta funkcija je zasnovana tako, da omogoča enostavno uporabo programa Excel za pisanje in urejanje anket. | Details | |
This feature is designed to make it easy to use Excel to author and edit surveys. Ta funkcija je zasnovana tako, da omogoča enostavno uporabo programa Excel za pisanje in urejanje anket.
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On the following page you will be able to create a pdf that can be printed filled out and scanned again. | Na naslednji strani boste lahko ustvarili PDF, ki ga je mogoče natisniti, izpolniti in ponovno optično prebrati. | Details | |
On the following page you will be able to create a pdf that can be printed filled out and scanned again. Na naslednji strani boste lahko ustvarili PDF, ki ga je mogoče natisniti, izpolniti in ponovno optično prebrati.
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To get to know more about queXML check this page: | Če želite izvedeti več o funkciji queXML, obiščite to stran: | Details | |
To get to know more about queXML check this page: Če želite izvedeti več o funkciji queXML, obiščite to stran:
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Exporting a questionnaire to queXML allows you to create PDF documents that can be printed, filled then scanned and processed using queXF software. | Izvoz vprašalnika v obliki queXML vam omogoča, da ustvarite dokumente PDF, ki jih je mogoče natisniti in izpolniti ter nato optično prebrati in obdelati s programsko opremo queXF. | Details | |
Exporting a questionnaire to queXML allows you to create PDF documents that can be printed, filled then scanned and processed using queXF software. Izvoz vprašalnika v obliki queXML vam omogoča, da ustvarite dokumente PDF, ki jih je mogoče natisniti in izpolniti ter nato optično prebrati in obdelati s programsko opremo queXF.
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It is not suitable for backing up a LimeSurvey survey as it cannot export conditions, and isn't able to export all question types. | Ni primerno za varnostno kopiranje ankete LimeSurvey, saj ne more izvoziti pogojev in vseh vrst vprašanj. | Details | |
It is not suitable for backing up a LimeSurvey survey as it cannot export conditions, and isn't able to export all question types. Ni primerno za varnostno kopiranje ankete LimeSurvey, saj ne more izvoziti pogojev in vseh vrst vprašanj.
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queXML is an XML description of a questionnaire. | queXML je opis vprašalnika v obliki XML. | Details | |
queXML is an XML description of a questionnaire. queXML je opis vprašalnika v obliki XML.
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It will include the following data in a ZIP file ending with '.lsa'. | V datoteko ZIP s končnico ».lsa« bodo vključeni naslednji podatki. | Details | |
It will include the following data in a ZIP file ending with '.lsa'. V datoteko ZIP s končnico ».lsa« bodo vključeni naslednji podatki.
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This export is intended to create a complete backup of an active survey for archival purposes. | Namen tega izvoza je ustvariti celovito varnostno kopijo aktivne ankete za arhiviranje. | Details | |
This export is intended to create a complete backup of an active survey for archival purposes. Namen tega izvoza je ustvariti celovito varnostno kopijo aktivne ankete za arhiviranje.
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Inherit everything | Podeduj vse | Details | |
Import failed because of page reload. | Uvoz ni uspel zaradi ponovnega nalaganja strani. | Details | |
Import failed because of page reload. Uvoz ni uspel zaradi ponovnega nalaganja strani.
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Can't render layout %s. Please check that the view exists or contact your admin. | Postavitve ni mogoče upodobiti %s. Prepričajte se, da pogled obstaja ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika. | Details | |
Can't render layout %s. Please check that the view exists or contact your admin. Postavitve ni mogoče upodobiti %s. Prepričajte se, da pogled obstaja ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika.
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